SpaceinvaderOne / Macinabox

Unraid docker image to help install MacOS vms
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Passthrough a GPU 6900xt not work #56

Closed ichswarox closed 2 years ago

ichswarox commented 2 years ago

With the same setup, I successful passthrough a RX480 4G GPU to mac os running on Unraid, then I try 6900xt, not work? What I've tried.

1.Download 6900xt bios from techpowerup, apply in configuration, not work. 2.Reset xml then boot with RX480, it works, reset xml then boot with 6900xt, not work. 3.add agdpmod=pikera boot arg, not work, and the issue happened before apple logo appear.

RodriMora commented 2 years ago

I don't think there is support for the 6900xt on any version of Mac OS

regs1980 commented 2 years ago

I don't think there is support for the 6900xt on any version of Mac OS

ichswarox commented 2 years ago

I don't think there is support for the 6900xt on any version of Mac OS

Get it work on my big sur hackintosh, working perfect and I use it for rendering.

82ghost82 commented 2 years ago

6900 xt (xtx version) is supported out of the box; xtx version is that with vendor id 73bf. xtxh version has a different vendor id (73af) and it needs to be spoofed.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with macinabox.

ichswarox commented 2 years ago

I see, I will give proxmox a try