SpaceinvaderOne / Macinabox

Unraid docker image to help install MacOS vms
379 stars 72 forks source link

Update with the lastest version? #81

Open alekslyse opened 1 year ago

alekslyse commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to get this script updated to include ventura so its possible to use the latest version, or is the project dead?

SpaceinvaderOne commented 1 year ago

I am rewriting macinabox at present and i hope to have finished in about a fortnight (so long as work commitments dont get in the way) It will have support for ventura then. Also there will be no nee for any userscripts on unraid as there was in the previous version of macinabox. There are a number of improvements planned.

JamesDAdams commented 12 months ago

i'm waiting too :)

h3llfire83 commented 11 months ago

hope you get it soon done - and thanks for your time and efforts spaceinvaderone

chmdir commented 11 months ago


workwithprashant commented 11 months ago

@SpaceinvaderOne I understand that it's very difficult to develop something along with work commitments so I appreciate all your time and efforts. Any ETA on launching revamped Macinabox with Ventura?

rrowlands commented 9 months ago

I need this! How much do we need to pay? I donated $20 a few months ago. I'll get this party started by donating $20 again now.

@ other people in this thread, get to donating:

Tag it with mac in a box ventura / sonoma

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meechgalhuquot commented 6 months ago

Any chance you can provide a timeline on this? I'd like to upgrade my macOS VM to a more recent release. I'm willing to test if you want other eyes on it before you release

10bn commented 4 months ago

I'd also highly apprechiate seeing the latest OSX Versions in Macinabox.

I found this well documented guide, it might be a good point to start from for some of us:

And this one:

xCaptainChris commented 2 months ago

I'm just curious as well. I can't imagine the amount of work that goes into something like this. I am only spinning up a VM or docker to run bluebubbles.

meechgalhuquot commented 2 months ago

That's exactly the purpose of my VM as well, which is why I would like a newer version of macOS so that BlueBubbles can show edited messages properly

xcellentavi commented 2 months ago

@meechgalhuquot, if you feel like rolling up your sleeves a little bit, there is a guide that someone else posted on reddit that might help get this working on newer versions:

If @SpaceinvaderOne is still working on this container update, the direct link to the pastbin is here:

The instructions start with Monterey and upgrade to Ventura, so it might help those asking in, but not sure if Sonoma ultimately would work.

I am still comfortable running Big Sur so I haven't attempted this procedure yet.