Spacur / VRCFaceTracking-TobiiXR

VRChat OSC App to allow AV3 Avatars to interact with Vive SRanipal Eye and Lip Tracking SDK - Now with Tobii XR support
Apache License 2.0
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Calibration Program #2

Open Spacur opened 1 year ago

Spacur commented 1 year ago

Data has to be converted as they are in different formats (Tobii Stream Engine provides pupil_position_in_sensor_area_xy An array of two floats, for the x and y of the position of the pupil normalized to the sensor area where (0, 0): is the top left of sensor area, from the sensor’s perspective (1, 1): is the bottom right of sensor area)

OSC/VRChat parameters however is conventionally 1 to -1 so conversions must be made. Additionally on the HTC Vive Devkit I observed that maximum values actually only appear to reach 0.3/0.5 or so, so data must be normalized so the maximum value will convert to 1 or -1 respectively by some percentage math's.

Create a standalone program to get the maximum value after a short calibration sequence and then input these values into the program via a config file of some sort.