Spade-Editor / Spade

Cross-platform raster graphics editor inspired by Paint.NET
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Staging branch #77

Closed RaasAhsan closed 9 years ago

RaasAhsan commented 10 years ago

I think this would work out well on how you guys release and stuff, but you could have a development -> staging -> production branch. Production has the code that you guys have released at the time. Staging contains all the code ready for the next release. Development contains all the code for a feature in progress.

Basically you would make a new branch for a feature you make (off of the dev branch), make a pull request into development when you're done, and delete the branch after its merged or whatever. When a feature in development is ready, you merge it into staging. When your next release is ready, merge it into production and tag a new release.

I thought it would be more organized for you guys since there's already a dev branch.

(Master ==== production)

HeroesGrave commented 10 years ago

Sounds good to me.

Will have to wait until after my big refactor though. Things are a mess at the moment.

RaasAhsan commented 10 years ago

sounds like a plan :D