Spade-Editor / Spade

Cross-platform raster graphics editor inspired by Paint.NET
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tool, Effects, Ops, etc. request list #87

Open BurntPizza opened 9 years ago

BurntPizza commented 9 years ago

I think it would be a good idea to have a centralized place to track what individual small features (esp. in the categories in the title) we want to see and what has been implemented or assigned.

Suggest whatever comes to mind, although I don't think this is the place for outlandish features.

*I think an Op is something which you click in the menu (or press a hotkey) and it does something instantly, whereas an "Effect" is something that is controlled by a dialog, a-la the Curves tool in PDN. Maybe I have that backwards.

HeroesGrave commented 9 years ago

Effects and ops are essentially the same. Just under different categories.

The only exceptions are (or will be) resize and rotate because they mess with the dimensions.

HeroesGrave commented 9 years ago

Brushes may have to wait until after 1.0, or we can have them for 1.0 but as a plugin until we can get something nailed down.

HeroesGrave commented 9 years ago

TestGenerator is definitely not useful.

I've added a few more things to the top post.