Spagett1 / pineflash

A tool to flash ironos to the pinecil soldering iron and possibly other pine64 devices in the future
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`PKGBUILD`: several issues; link to AUR instead of including here. #41

Closed dreirund closed 1 year ago

dreirund commented 1 year ago


I see that you have included an Arch Linux PKGBUILD in your source repository.

That PKGBUILD is not complete, e.g. the package cargo-ndk is needed as a make dependency, see this comment.

Also, your repository now has official version numbers (which can be obtained by parsing git describe --tags), but you still obtain the version in pkgver() by parsing the very same PKGBUILD's $pkgver, thus having a kind of circle argument.

Also, blisp is part of the Arch Linux repositories. You do not need to build it yourself. Just add blisp to the depends array, or add optdepends=('blisp: For pinecil V2 support (needs to be present during package build)').
If you really insist to build and install blisp by yourself: Since you install /usr/bin/blisp, you need to add blisp to the conflicts and provides arrays.

I recommend to remove the PKGBUILD from your repository and link to the AUR package pineflash-git, where the up to datee PKGBUILD should be found and issues regarding the PKGBUILD can be posted.

The AUR package pineflash-git has gotten an overhaul.


Spagett1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know, ive switched away from arch to a rhel based distro so ive sorta fallen behind on maintaining the PKGBUILD, thanks for letting me know the aur one has gotten an overhaull as last time i checked it a few things where broken. I'll remove the one in this repo shortly.