Spagett1 / pineflash

A tool to flash ironos to the pinecil soldering iron and possibly other pine64 devices in the future
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I'm getting a simmiilar error on linux (linux/nixos/wayland/sway) where it starts fine for the first time and crashes if i start it again after that. #57

Open Spagett1 opened 1 year ago

Spagett1 commented 1 year ago
          I'm getting a simmiilar error on linux (linux/nixos/wayland/sway)  where it starts fine for the first time and crashes if i start it again after that.

With Rustbacktrace:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/
stack backtrace:
   0: rust_begin_unwind
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
   2: core::panicking::panic
   3: <pineflash::Flasher as eframe::epi::App>::update
   4: eframe::native::epi_integration::EpiIntegration::update
   5: <eframe::native::run::glow_integration::GlowWinitApp as eframe::native::run::WinitApp>::paint
   6: eframe::native::run::run_and_return::{{closure}}
   7: winit::platform_impl::platform::wayland::event_loop::EventLoop<T>::run_return
   8: eframe::native::run::run_and_return
   9: std::thread::local::LocalKey<T>::with
  10: eframe::native::run::glow_integration::run_glow
  11: eframe::run_native
  12: pineflash::main
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
warning: queue 0x55dd5def32d0 destroyed while proxies still attached:
  wl_buffer@20 still attached
  wl_shm_pool@33 still attached
  xdg_wm_base@23 still attached
  wl_output@14 still attached
  wl_seat@13 still attached
  xdg_activation_v1@12 still attached
  wp_viewporter@11 still attached
  zwp_text_input_manager_v3@10 still attached
  zwp_pointer_constraints_v1@9 still attached
  zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1@8 still attached
  zxdg_decoration_manager_v1@7 still attached
  wl_subcompositor@6 still attached
  wl_compositor@5 still attached
  wl_shm@4 still attached
  wl_registry@2 still attached

Originally posted by @Janik-Haag in

Spagett1 commented 1 year ago

Ive moved this to a separate issue as the error is referencing a different section of the code, seems like a different cause for a similar result.

Spagett1 commented 1 year ago

Hey, would you mind trying out the appimage janik? I've made some updates to it and it would be good to see if the problem still happens.

Spagett1 commented 1 year ago

To me it looks like something is up with extracting the json files, could you also tell me how you installed this? (From master branc?, from tarball version 0.5.1?)

Janik-Haag commented 1 year ago

Building it from source using the code from the 0.5.1 release. I already opend a draft pr in nixpkgs don't know if the build steps there are of any use to you

Spagett1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I'll have to take a look at the 0.5.1 tag to check the error code again, wasn't really making sense when I checked the master branch cause that section was just an internal toast (I've added some code so the line numbers don't match up now)

Spagett1 commented 11 months ago

Hey janik, does the issue still happen where it closes? I can't find the line mentioned in the backtrace due to other changes in code moving around line numbers.

Janik-Haag commented 11 months ago

I just updated to 0.5.3 and it now says A massive error occured, not sure whats goin on here. with out any other indication of whats going on O.o so no the error doesn't appear anymore (I think it disappeared with the old version after a reboot.)

Spagett1 commented 11 months ago

Yeah, i was just walking through the issue with someone who had the error on windows and for them i think it was the driver not supporting the proper things.

That error message was a mistake by me haha, i meant to have it with the stack trace aswell but accidentally covered it up......

Janik-Haag commented 11 months ago

No worries ^^

Janik-Haag commented 11 months ago

Should I test it on master and see what error it throws there?

Spagett1 commented 11 months ago

That would be appreciated

Janik-Haag commented 11 months ago

Okay I just compiled revison 22f3a8475f750a01c08f9e8513fa9e0165d6423a which is currently the latest commit on master and this is the error it throws:

A massive error occured, not sure whats goin on here: 
 Found no glutin configs matching the template: ConfigTemplate { color_buffer_type: Rgb { r_size: 8, g_size: 8, b_size: 8 }, alpha_size: 8, depth_size: 0, stencil_size: 0, num_samples: None, min_swap_interval: None, max_swap_interval: None, config_surface_types: WINDOW, api: None, transparency: false, single_buffering: false, stereoscopy: None, float_pixels: false, max_pbuffer_width: None, hardware_accelerated: None, max_pbuffer_height: None, native_window: None }. error: Error { raw_code: None, raw_os_message: None, kind: NotFound }
Spagett1 commented 11 months ago

Ah ok, what hardware are you running? That's the same error I got when helping someone on windows debug it and I chalked it up to them having quite old hardware which may not support all the necessary things.

Janik-Haag commented 11 months ago

I'm using a t480 which is from 2018 with a Intel i7-8650U and Kernel 6.1.46 and it worked flashing a pinecil v2 with version 0.5.1