Spagett1 / pineflash

A tool to flash ironos to the pinecil soldering iron and possibly other pine64 devices in the future
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"Flashing Completed" even when error (e.g. missing blisp) #58

Open qwertychouskie opened 1 year ago

qwertychouskie commented 1 year ago

If an error occurs, it should be more obvious to the user.

Also, the default view when the interface opens doesn't show the button to expand the log view. Not knowing the was a log view in the interface, I ran the program in the terminal to try to get logs, but there was no output. I only figured out how to view logs by perusing through issues in this repo.

Spagett1 commented 1 year ago

Yeah that's a good call, I did plan on making the logs more obvious, I'll definitely do something to help with that.

Danie10 commented 11 months ago

I'm getting the same problem. Reports the flashing done without popping up errors (it needs to show an error if blisp not found), but my device still shows the factory version 2.20. The log says:

Pineflash v0.5.3 Linux Native
PineFlash: Versions successfully fetched.
PineFlash: Download of Language Info Complete.
Pineflash: Pinecilv2 detected
PineFlash: Serial port is /dev/ttyACM0 
PineFlash: Downloading Firmware Pinecilv2 v2.22-rc.
PineFlash: Download Complete.
PineFlash: File extracted successfully
PineFlash: Attempting to flash Pinecilv2 with the firmware /tmp/v2.22-rc-Pinecilv2/Pinecilv2_EN.bin
Blisp: Cannot run program blisp: No such file or directory

Pineflash: Pinecilv2 disconnected

Installing blisp manually myself, did sort issue out.