Spagett1 / pineflash

A tool to flash ironos to the pinecil soldering iron and possibly other pine64 devices in the future
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Add brief mention of WinUSB installation in the main README since it seems it's required on Windows #66

Closed ia closed 9 months ago

ia commented 9 months ago

Hello. Disclaimer: I don't have Pinecil nor I haven't had a chance to use PineFlash on Windows.

Recently there was the issue report in IronOS project. It has nothing to do with PineFlash project directly. However user had minor problem with flashing Pinecil on Windows using PineFlash. I had to dig some information and it seems that PineFlash uses dfu-util to flash, but dfu-util itself requires WinUSB drivers installed to have write access to usb devices on Windows through libusb. At least, after suggestion to install WinUSB, it worked for user: installing WinUSB did make PineFlash to flash the Pinecil. Plus, I looked through docs in this repo but I didn't manage to find any mention of this.

Hence, this tiny patch adds brief mention of the additional step on Windows.

Spagett1 commented 9 months ago

Hi! Thanks for making this PR, i was talking to someone about this issue a few weeks back and we discussed adding the fix to the readme. I meant to but have been quite busy so didn't get around to it so thanks for doing it :)