SpaiR / imgui-java

JNI based binding for Dear ImGui
MIT License
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Not possible to add multiple window flags to a new ImGui.begin() ? #154

Closed Kaegra1 closed 1 year ago

Kaegra1 commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole github and coding thing. I'm currently trying to build an UI using ImGui on java but I'm faced with an issue :

I know it's possible on the C++ version but I can't seem to find the "translation" on java version. Is it a limitation ?

Thanks in advance for your help ! Hope I'm posting this on the right place

SpaiR commented 1 year ago

@Kaegra1 Hi! Multiple flags are passed in the same manner as in C++ - with an OR bitwise operator:

if (ImGui.begin("Example", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove))