Sparrow0hawk / rse-calendar

A GitHub pages powered event calendar
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[un-deRSE23] #56

Closed chillenzer closed 1 year ago

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

I want to add the following event to the RSE calendar:

summary: un-deRSE23 - Unconference for Research Software Engineering in Germany
description: First ever unconference for Research Software Engineering in Germany
location: Dornburger Schlösser, Jena, Germany
begin: 2023-09-26 11:30:00
duration: { days: 3 }

Hi, wanted to test it but needed to find an event first. =) Does it actually work if I type in additional text down here?

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

Sorry... I seem to have messed up. I'll have a look but this might indicate that it's still a little brittle.

Sparrow0hawk commented 1 year ago

Indeed, sorry about this. I will investigate!

Sparrow0hawk commented 1 year ago

Right the issue is in the location line, it reads the : and thinks thats a new yaml key. I will update my guidance!

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

Ah, darn! I see it. There's obviously a colon in https://...

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

I want to assure you that I -- theoretically -- know my way around yaml. XD

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

... but all these colon! -.-

Sparrow0hawk commented 1 year ago

Ahh sorry the CI has failed because for the time you need to include seconds! Could you amend:

begin: 2023-09-26 11:30


begin: 2023-09-26 11:30:00

Apologies still working out the kinks!

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

Ah, but I see what was going on there. The original website has a link in the location description and upon copy-pasting into an issue, github tried to be helpful and included the Markdown version of that link.

Sparrow0hawk commented 1 year ago

And you're live - https://[](

Thanks for helping work through this, i'll try and update the guidance to improve this

chillenzer commented 1 year ago

Great! Thanks! As I'm not affiliated with the event in any form, it might want to have its details amended by someone else but as a test case. I think it was good. Don't know what your idea for the workflow was, but I'll close this issue now.