Spartan-Velanjeri / UR-MiR-mobile-manipulator

ROS2 package for a Mobile Manipulator capable of Navigation and Manipulation functionality
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Converting xacro to urdf with base +arm+ gripper #2

Open kavikode opened 3 months ago

kavikode commented 3 months ago

In src/mir_robot_ws/src/mir_robot/mir_robot/mir_description/urdf, I perform the following:

xacro mir.urdf.xacro > mir.urdf

How can we convert xacro to urdf with the entire base +arm+ gripper as a single file?

thank you in advance!

Spartan-Velanjeri commented 3 months ago

ros2 run xacro xacro main.xacro -o main.urdf You could try this. This should work