SpartanJ / efsw

efsw is a C++ cross-platform file system watcher and notifier.
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Check Return Code and Allow Buffer Customization in `ReadDirectoryChangesW()` Function #153

Open solarispika opened 1 year ago

solarispika commented 1 year ago


Currently, the function that uses the ReadDirectoryChangesW() function does not check its return code, and this makes it difficult for users to detect and respond to failures. Therefore, I would like to request that the function checks the return code of the ReadDirectoryChangesW() function to ensure that it has executed successfully. This will enable users to react accordingly if the function call fails.

Additionally, I suggest allowing users to customize the size of the buffer or provide the buffer themselves. This would provide users with more control over the function, allowing them to tailor the buffer to their specific needs.

By adding these features, users will have greater control over the ReadDirectoryChangesW() function, making it easier for them to detect failures and customize the function to their specific requirements.

solarispika commented 10 months ago

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