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Tutorial III: A presentable GitHub profile #1643

Closed ameeramer closed 5 years ago

ameeramer commented 5 years ago
Example Score Why?
image Bad Vague
image OK Reasonably identifying
image Huh? Monkey?
Example Score Why?
--- --- ---
image Bad Vague
image OK Reasonably identifying
image Huh? Monkey?
image Terrible GitHub auto generated Terrible GitHub auto generated

If you have an issue with privacy, talk to the staff. We are usually reasonable.

Example Score Why?
Moshe Levy II Super Clear identification
YossiGil Very Good You identify yourself by full name
IDabran Very Good == Itai Dabran
YossiG Very Good == Yossi Gil
rms Good == Richard M. Stallman
yogi OK Well known nick
j1046 Bad Who the hell are you?
zm&4jk Worse Not even pronounceable
r2d2 Terrible We are not playing games here
ghost Disaster Are you a troll or what?
  - Fine: `yogi`  (**Yo**ssi **G**il), `idarban` (**I**tai **D**arban)
  - Not so fine: `j1046` / `r2d2` / `bb8` / `biscuit` / `the destroyer`/`nukethem69h7`

(Again, we need this to be able to identify you in personal meetings. If someone feels the bear with basket is the best representation of his identity, so be it. If someone presents herself the *Mac Apple Icon*? Not so sure.)