Spatial-Information-QLD / address-model
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Street number prefixes needed #14

Open nicholascar opened 4 days ago

nicholascar commented 4 days ago

Raised by @jabhay Geoscape

The model does not include provision for number prefixes as used in Victoria & NSW, presumably because Queensland doesn't need them. For national adoption, thse options must be present

nicholascar commented 4 days ago

The particular parts of addresses allowed are governed by the vocabulary of Address Part Types, not directly by the model itself. This vocabulary is in draft and will soon be online at

The Supporting Vocabularies section of the model specification describes this vocabulary and indicates some values but not all as the vocabulary is dynamic and managed outside the model. subaddressNumberPrefix and subaddressNumbersuffix which already exist in the vocabulary are indicated in example values there to show handling of at least one type of number prefix. Street number prefix is handled in the vocabulary with streetNumberPrefix.

Different jurisdictions may require/prevent use of the parts of the Address Part Types vocabulary relevant to them as required without affecting the model, so this issue is currently handled by the model + profiles of it and the supporting vocabulary.