SpatioTemporal / STARE

SpatioTemporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding, a unifying index for geo-located data.
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Issues and improvements to the STARE build #19

Closed jgallagher59701 closed 5 years ago

jgallagher59701 commented 5 years ago

This branch fixes a number of issues with the STARE library build. Included are the ability to build a source distribution, a version number read from a single text file, and uninstall target. The STARE.h header includes the version number and STARE.C/h has a C function (STARE_version()) that returns this version number, simplifying detecting the library when using autoconf (and cmake?).

Unresolved is the CentOS 6 build issue. Because the code requires C++-11, we cannot build on C6 using the stock compiler.