SpatioTemporal / STARE

SpatioTemporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding, a unifying index for geo-located data.
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ECEF vector API #90

Open NiklasPhabian opened 3 years ago

NiklasPhabian commented 3 years ago

It might be useful to have STARE being able to convert between ECEF vectors and SIDs.

When a user interpolates between points on the sphere, they might to choose to work in ECEF in the first place. And it would be sad if they had to convert back to lat/lon to interact with STARE.

michaelleerilee commented 3 years ago

This suggests having ECEF functions in the API.

NiklasPhabian commented 3 years ago

right. And we have them already under the hood in SpatialVectors

michaelleerilee commented 3 years ago

Just have to watch out for the reference frame coordinate system.