SpatioTemporal / STARE

SpatioTemporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding, a unifying index for geo-located data.
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ms precision in fromStringJulianTAI_ISO() #92

Open NiklasPhabian opened 3 years ago

NiklasPhabian commented 3 years ago

in fromStringJulianTAI_ISO(), we hardcode the precision of milliseconds to 3. Would it be possible to have them be variable length ... anything between the decimal separator . and the forward res (? . This is really just about style. I just feel bad for quietly truncating.

TemporalIndex::fromStringJulianTAI_ISO(string inputString) {}

michaelleerilee commented 3 years ago

We could change the parsing to seek the end of the subsecond digits. And then quietly truncate to the number of digits actually encoded.