SpaxscE / lvs_base

WIP full rework of LFS' framework to be more universal for later projects allowing for more unique vehicle types and hopefully more reliable handling even on low tickrate environments
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New hooks to determine if a player could drive #34

Closed filipovskis closed 1 year ago

filipovskis commented 1 year ago

Hello, added new hooks to determine if a player could drive a vehicle:

This could be useful for driver license systems and etc., I personally use these hooks to limit the ability to use vehicles for untrained soldiers on the Star Wars RP server.


local function canPlayerControlVehicle(ply, vehicle)
    if (not IsValid(vehicle)) then return false end

    local class = vehicle:GetClass()
    local isAir = mopp.cfg.AirVehicles[class]
    local isLand = mopp.cfg.LandVehicles[class]

    local allowed

    if (isAir) then
        allowed = ply:HasRight("air")
        allowed = ply:HasRight("land")

    return allowed

hook.Add('LVS.CanPlayerDrive', 'Whitelist', function(ply, vehicle)
    if (not IsValid(vehicle)) then return end

    if (not canPlayerControlVehicle(ply, vehicle)) then
        return false

hook.Add('LVS.OnPlayerCannotDrive', 'Whitelist', function(ply, vehicle)
    doNotify(ply, vehicle)