Spea / SpBowerBundle

Symfony2 Bundle to handle asset dependencies with bower
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Passing `false` as `--interactive` option value doesn't disable TTY mode #132

Closed thierrymarianne closed 8 years ago

thierrymarianne commented 8 years ago

I've encountered the following error when running sp:bower:install command with jenkins for continuous integration:

PHP Warning: proc_open(/dev/tty): failed to open stream: No such device or address in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Process/Process.php on line 289

[Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException] Unable to launch a new process.

Passing false (instead of 0) to the command line results in running the command in interactive mode as the setTty method of the Process class casts the $tty variable containing the "false" string to a boolean (See also https://github.com/symfony/process/blob/master/Process.php#L932)

I've filtered the option as a boolean to have the commands behave as expected:

Spea commented 8 years ago

Thanks :)

thierrymarianne commented 8 years ago
