Spea / SpBowerBundle

Symfony2 Bundle to handle asset dependencies with bower
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"Dependency cache keys not yet generated" #67

Closed luebbert42 closed 10 years ago

luebbert42 commented 10 years ago

When I run php app/console assetic:dump in Symfony 2.3.7 I am getting the following error message:

[Sp\BowerBundle\Bower\Exception\RuntimeException] Dependency cache keys not yet generated, run "app/console sp:bower:install" to initiate the cache: Cached dependencies for "/Users/luebbert/tmp/Symfony/app/cache/dev/sp_bower" not found, c reate it with the method createDependencyMappingCache().

I did the following to reproduce the problem with a fresh Symfony 2.3.7 project:

I can upload the demo project if this helps. This issue is not urgent, was mainly playing around with the bundle :-)

Spea commented 10 years ago

Looks like the documentation is not complete, all you have to do is running app/console sp:bower:install ;)

luebbert42 commented 10 years ago

yes, this works. but when I try to run app/console assetic:dump I get the error message listened above.

luebbert42 commented 10 years ago

and: the install docs are quite good - clear and easy to follow :-)

Spea commented 10 years ago

I followed the same steps and can not reproduce it, maybe you can upload your example somewhere?

luebbert42 commented 10 years ago

Probably something stupid I have done wrong: http://www.another-showroom.com/demo.tar.gz

Just in case: $ php --version PHP 5.5.5 (cli) (built: Nov 11 2013 08:45:06) (DEBUG) Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies with Xdebug v2.3.0dev, Copyright (c) 2002-2013, by Derick Rethans

Spea commented 10 years ago

Extracted it: tried to execute assetic:dump which outputs the above error, but a sp:bower:install fixes it - PHP-Version: 5.5.6. What bower version have you installed?

luebbert42 commented 10 years ago

My bower version is 1.2.8

Works for me, too :-) (I thought that I have tried this, well... ;-))

So right now the advice is that you should alway run sp:bower:install after clearing the Symfony cache. Shall I close the issue or do you want to/can you adjust something so this is not necessary?

Spea commented 10 years ago

I already adjusted this, I'm currently in the final testing phase so nothing gets broken. But yeah, you can close this issue :)

luebbert42 commented 10 years ago

thanks for having a look at it!!

ProjectPwnable commented 9 years ago

Since this is still present, here's the solution for anyone else on Windows:

  1. The problem lies in Doctrine\Common\Cache\FileCache::getFilename() (specifically, the second argument of str_split)
  2. Override the getFilename() of Doctrine\Common\Cache\FileCache with the class at the bottom
  3. Add the following parameter to your parameters.yml:
sp_bower.filesystem_cache.class: YourBundle\BowerBridge\WindowsFilesystemCache

New class

use Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache;

class WindowsFilesystemCache extends FilesystemCache
     * FilesystemCache marks this as private... so we must override
     * @var string[] regular expressions for replacing disallowed characters in file name
    private $disallowedCharacterPatterns = array(
        '/\-/', // replaced to disambiguate original `-` and `-` derived from replacements
        '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_\[\]]/' // also excludes non-ascii chars (not supported, depending on FS)

     * FilesystemCache marks this as private... so we must override
     * @var string[] replacements for disallowed file characters
    private $replacementCharacters = array('__', '-');

     * @param string $id
     * @return string
    protected function getFilename($id)
        return $this->directory
        . implode(str_split(hash('sha256', $id), 16), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
        . preg_replace($this->disallowedCharacterPatterns, $this->replacementCharacters, $id)
        . $this->getExtension();

Note: you have to copy/paste the disallowedCharacterPatterns and replacementCharacters from the parent class, since they are marked private and have no accessors.

gesof commented 8 years ago

run "composer install" again to refresh the cache

Just found the reason in my case: I have the folder mounted with bind and I was launching sp:bower:install from one path while the webserver was running from another path. Internally bower computes a key based on the $config object as a hashcode then uses it to discover if the cache was generated by converting the key into a path and searching for data there. This is a bad approach since, as per my case, the path to the cache directory is different, depending if I am running from command line or from Apache. I'll post a separate bug for this to be solved.