SpecFlowOSS / SpecFlow

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#2608: Await the call to FeatureBackgroundAsync #2654

Closed laingsimon closed 1 year ago

laingsimon commented 1 year ago

Ensure that calls to FeatureBackgroundAsync are awaited when called, i.e.

Instead of this

// ... snip ...
#line 4
#line hidden
// ... snip ...

Generate this

// ... snip ...
#line 4
    await this.FeatureBackgroundAsync();
#line hidden
// ... snip ...

Types of changes


Note: I've not added tests or an entry to the change log for the following reasons:

laingsimon commented 1 year ago

Manual tests performed:

  1. Build TechTalk.SpecFlow.Generator project
  2. Copy <repo>\TechTalk.SpecFlow.Generator\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\TechTalk.SpecFlow.Generator.dll over %userprofile%\.nuget\packages\specflow.tools.msbuild.generation\4.0.16-beta\tasks\netcoreapp3.1\TechTalk.SpecFlow.Generator.dll
  3. Rebuild client project
  4. Observe a change to the built xxx.feature.cs file in client project


#line 4
#line hidden


#line 4
    await this.FeatureBackgroundAsync();
#line hidden