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LAAT/le Stealth, various #259

Open m0kka opened 8 months ago

m0kka commented 8 months ago
ThatArcanist commented 8 months ago

Do we want to look at improving its "Cloaking" ability? When its cloaked it still seems to be targetted by enemies

gumbekk commented 8 months ago

Is there anyway to change it's stealth values through the sqf? I've looked through the biwiki and found nothing of the sort

m0kka commented 8 months ago

could set the vehicle to be captive maybe? make enemy ignore it

oliv3lrg commented 8 months ago

I mean I don't think it should be entierly undetectable because that could lead to wonky uses, can we just decrease it's radar signature further?

m0kka commented 8 months ago

not dependent on cloak enabled/disabled

gumbekk commented 5 months ago

We could try making false contacts to fool AA systems kind of like the active camo in halo reach, but otherwise I don't think fuel consumption should be changed until cloaking actual has a benefit besides just visual