Special-Operations-Brigade / SOB-Issue-Tracker

Public Issue Tracker for the MokTech Industries mods.
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CovOps Testing Bugs #287

Closed An00biz19 closed 6 months ago

An00biz19 commented 6 months ago

1) Add Clone Trooper Command Visor to CovOps Arsenal

2) Add Intercom to Shadow Troopers

3) Using Injector Shot on 19-SC only gave the hack view to Celt in testing (Myself, Premade, Celt in the same squad), also gave view to Celt when NOT in the same squad.

4) Add Mercenary Disguise Kit to CovOps Arsenal

5a) Coming out of Disguise Kit doesn't flip individuals back to BLUFOR from Civilian. Spawned B1 and it did not shoot.

5b) Disguise Kit prevents the use of Shadow Tech Pad, even after taking off disguise kit - probably linked to above.

6) Fortify Explosives should not be Automatically Armed - make linkable to SOB Firing Device.