SpecialKO / SpecialK

Lovingly referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of PC gaming, Special K does a bit of everything.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gamma, brightness etc settings for SDR #149

Open trudnorx opened 3 months ago

trudnorx commented 3 months ago

I believe SK should add settings for controlling gamma, brightness etc. when using SDR. This would be helpful for games which have no such settings, which cause users problems. (too dark, etc.) This could be done by either modifying the image, or the Windows gamma ramp (only while window is active). Maybe even add some other video settings like e.g. tweaking each color channel.

Kaldaien commented 3 months ago

Modifications to the Windows gamma ramp only work in Fullscreen Exclusive, this runs counter to pretty much everything SK was designed for.

I don't want to say no, but I think ReShade is better suited to this. ReShade 6.0 has introduced an interop API to make compatibility with SK pretty trivial, so you can load it while a game is running and then pick a shader to do this stuff. I'm almost certain such a shader already exists somewhere :)

This functionality exists in Special K for HDR, but extending it backwards to SDR would be a lot of complication that could just be solved with ReShade.