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As a user who searches in the hub a lot, I would like to search data and task cards together #2360

Open LordFlashmeow opened 3 years ago

LordFlashmeow commented 3 years ago

When I click the TW icon to open hub in a new tab, I type in the search box to filter/show the card I want to open. If I'm trying to open a data card, it won't show up in the search because I have the tasks tab selected instead.

I would like it if there was a setting to configure the search bar to select both matching task and data cards, like it behaves when the favorites tab is selected.

mjy commented 3 years ago

@LordFlashmeow you can toggle quickly b/w the top level tabs with shift 1,2,3. @jlpereira we could re-apply the filter with each shift-# click as an interm? I'm not sure I want a unified search across all three, that's more what favourites is in the long term?

Followup- a more unified search exeperience in the Hub is definitely worth discussing. Search could in theory seperate things. THere are various issues raised in the past that reflect refactoring the cards to be a linear list, and therefor more fixed in user-space, it was also mentioned that the cards could be sorted on a grid, etc. Early experiments of this nature should be done on the Favourites tab I think, as it's essentially a unified view.

Also- don't forget you can switch your favourites tab to be the default by ordering it. THis means you can key-stroke right to the point you need to be, filter, tab, and hit enter.

proceps commented 3 years ago

For me, I would prefer to remove pagination in Tasks, and present all cards in a fix position the same way one can see cards in Data. Distinguishing tasks and data cards does not distract that much.

proceps commented 3 years ago

Another distructing feature, combined filters when you search for the cards. I know interfaces well, but still do this mistake over and over. When you apply a filter, for example Nomenclature, and than whant to change filter to something different, for example Source, instead of switching the filter to Source, the filters are combined, and all/most of the cards disappear. I have to go back to remove one of the filters. But every time it is a surprize for me, why I do not see expected cards. Expected behavior, once you apply one filter, remove the previous one.

jlpereira commented 3 years ago

@mjy I think maybe would be better have data and tasks in different tab. Could be in the same page but doing that we should put one section below the other, and then you will have to scroll to reach data or tasks. Display resolution could be an issue here too. Many users use just the laptop display and not external monitors I think this could be resolve changing the user preference for tabs order and mark as favourite the tasks and data cards. Putting favourite first should works for this situation. Because there we display both things, tasks and data.

Definitly we could add shortcuts, too

jlpereira commented 3 years ago

Another distructing feature, combined filters when you search for the cards. I know interfaces well, but still do this mistake over and over. When you apply a filter, for example Nomenclature, and than whant to change filter to something different, for example Source, instead of switching the filter to Source, the filters are combined, and all/most of the cards disappear. I have to go back to remove one of the filters. But every time it is a surprize for me, why I do not see expected cards. Expected behavior, once you apply one filter, remove the previous one.

I'm agree with this. It would be better if the interface just keep one category and not stack. Like we do for the different kind of interfaces "Browse, filters, new"

proceps commented 3 years ago

browse, filters, new is very useful.

jlpereira commented 3 years ago

Another possibility would be to add a filter by tasks or data. Then in that case we could add both things in the same page

browse, filters, new is very useful.

Yes, I mean just select one of each section. Type and category. For example "Filter" and "Source", and nothing more

proceps commented 3 years ago

Data interfaces should not be incouraged for user. Eventually we should add most of the functionality to task interfaces. Although there are some specific functions there (download, related records, etc.). In general, I wold say that separation of two worlds is beneficial.

mjy commented 3 years ago

@proceps is correct. The Data cards will ultimately be nearly completely hidden, they are scaffolds to let us debug. If user are depending on a data card, then we need to prioritize the corresponding task.

proceps commented 3 years ago

I believe we have only few small one, like Serial, People, Repositories, which do not have corresponding tasks. None of those used frequently, but still it would be good to replicate behavior. In few cases we have tasks redirecting to data interface instead of appropriate task interface (mostly OTU and TN related). There are corresponding issues already open in GitHub. But I agreen, even for small interfaces, it would be beneficial to have a dedicated task (sometimes the behavior is already blended into the appropriate task. For example, when new person is created inline.

debpaul commented 2 years ago

@proceps wrote:

Another distructing feature, combined filters when you search for the cards. I know interfaces well, but still do this mistake over and over. When you apply a filter, for example Nomenclature, and than want to change filter to something different, for example Source, instead of switching the filter to Source, the filters are combined, and all/most of the cards disappear. I have to go back to remove one of the filters. But every time it is a surprise for me, why I do not see expected cards. Expected behavior, once you apply one filter, remove the previous one.

@jlpereira replied

I'm agree with this. It would be better if the interface just keep one category and not stack. Like we do for the different kind of interfaces "Browse, filters, new"

I'm remembering something that Heidi Hopkins said (IIRC), she wants to be able to see tasks that are useful / used with more than one category. So, if we change back to "keep one category" then how do we address what Heidi is asking for?

proceps commented 2 years ago

there is no search in two categories. Filter does not work as OR search, it works as AND search. And I do not know which categories the same card could be assigned to. Each filter already returns many cards, if you return more cards, it would not make filterring more efficient. The combination of one category and the type of task (Browse, Edit, Filter), in my experience is very efficient. I would still argue that filterring should be limited to one category only.

mjy commented 2 years ago

The issue was opened to search data and task cards together via the text filter on the top right. I propose we focus on it specifically and address the other two issues brough up here (1: As user I want to discover (Heidi, not navigate); and 2: behaviour of categorization of filters) in new issues.

Dash wants this, let's dicuss it specifically here:


   When I open the hub
     and I type in the filter box
      then I am text-matched to display cards from the tab I am on (side note: it is trivial to move b/w tabs with shift 1,2,3)


   When I open the hub
     and I type in the filter box
      then I am text-matched to display cards *from all tabs*

I personally endorse this proposal.

proceps commented 2 years ago

I would make it a user preference than. Search all tabs or active tab only

mjy commented 2 years ago

@proceps, curious: how often do you use the text filter in navigating? A lot? A little?

proceps commented 2 years ago

I use it a lot. I would say 50/50. For the common taks like filter nomenclature or new source, I tend to use filter option (combination of categorie and tab). For other tasks, like nomenclature stats, I tend to use the search box. I told many times, I would prefer to have a single page with all tasks listed (like what we have in Data tab). When in data mode, I use Ctrl-F - 100% time, that is the most efficient way. In the Task modes, to many clicks and screan refresh to get to the proper results. For the favorits, I used those very ocasionally, specifically I put there 4 data cards (Serials, People, Geographic areas and Repositories, for which we do not have tasks, but I need to get there very often. For the tasks, I do not use favorits (because I use many, and it is not useful for me any more).

proceps commented 2 years ago

My main problem is, when working on a laptop, I tend to work on the half browser window, the other half is a PDF file. In this mode, I can see only 4-6 cards in a time. Which is very annoing.