SpeciesFileGroup / taxonworks

Workbench for biodiversity informatics.
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Data Attribute Facet: include All in Quick facet on filter CO #3074

Open debpaul opened 1 year ago

debpaul commented 1 year ago

Feature or enhancement

When I want to filter on any (or some of the) data attributes in the project dataset, I might not know or remember what all of them are.

In filtering to create a subset of data, I would like to:


Task - Filter collection objects

Screenshot, napkin sketch of interface, or conceptual description


Your role

community liaison

proceps commented 1 year ago

in radial annotator we have All tab. This should be extended to other places where attributes or tags are used. image

mjy commented 1 year ago

Remember that you can also see all Predicates in the Manage CVTs task.

debpaul commented 1 year ago

Remember that you can also see all Predicates in the Manage CVTs task.

Yes, I get that. I'm just thinking that at the time of creating a filter, I'd want to see, and then choose one or more (all in one place). In this scenario, I guess I'd have a 2nd tab open with the Manage CVTs task and then use that to help me pick Data Attributes in Filter CO

mjy commented 1 year ago

@debpaul you are getting at the difference b/w "browse" (I don't know what I'm looking for) and "search" (I know what I'm looking for). Perhaps the broader question is- is the specific user interface "Filter X" the place for both (it most definitely fills the "search" role), or should we envision other ways to browse?