SpeciesFileGroup / taxonworks

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Task - Browse Collection Objects - Customize panels preference on and off #3230

Open AntWeb-org opened 1 year ago

AntWeb-org commented 1 year ago

Feature or enhancement

Include a customization feature to show/hide/resize relevant and irrelevant data or panels. Relevant data for a CO display page: catalog number (namespace and identifier), OTU, determiner, det. date, field number, life stage, preparation, repository, secondary repository (located at), specimen notes, MOL project notes, type status, added note. Irrelevant or empty panels: Buffered, Biocurations, Biological Associations, Identifiers Determinations and Disposition panels are wide and push collecting event panel into a narrow display. See https://sandwich.taxonworks.org/tasks/collection_objects/browse?collection_object_id=1908594


Task - Browse Collection Objects

Screenshot, napkin sketch of interface, or conceptual description

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AntWeb-org commented 1 year ago

@bpescador, @chrisgrinter, @rich-keller

mjy commented 1 year ago

@AntWeb-org thanks for this. It's good to see what clusters of information are important to individual projects. I can se this is tuned for a couple things that we didn't consider, like more empahsis on data attributes.

I have a question. If we created a second browse-style task targeted for your needs (Browse-lite sort of), and simply removed the sections you didn't need, and added a panel or two that better refelected some of your data (Data attributes), would this work at a base level? In part I'm asking a side question here- I'm getting at whether you would prefer a different layout approach, or whether this paneled view is OK.

AntWeb-org commented 1 year ago

Browse-lite sounds great. The panel view works but and removing/re-ordering/customizing panels makes sense from a layout standpoint as well.

We should get some thoughts from others' on this project too, but for me, the Data attributes panel is the most important. Perhaps the Darwin Core panel could be collapsed but I am not sure if others' find that panel necessary in BCO.

mjy commented 1 year ago

As a note - The DWC panel is getting a major new bit of functionality shortly- it will display what your specimen looks like in GBIF, including warnings generated by GBIF. This will do a bunch of things:

rich-keller commented 1 year ago

My comment on the need for more customization in the base task still stands - browse-lite seems like another one-off task to get around the inflexibility in the base task.

Regarding the paneled view, I think this is a UI design question that would benefit from more thought and discussion. We've had numerous issues with the current panel design (for example: long single-column vertical lists of items down the page, empty panels taking up space, seemingly irrelevant information displayed, lack of sorting, lack of hiding capability, information overload, etc.) But it is difficult to know if this is a function of the panel approach or the way the panels have been designed/displayed.