SpeciesFileGroup / taxonworks

Workbench for biodiversity informatics.
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TypeMaterial - render for catalog/print [Was: Type - Edit type specimen - type specimen string] #411

Open proceps opened 6 years ago

proceps commented 6 years ago

When type is created a string should be generated, not just a label "holotype". I would like to preview the type string at this stage.

proceps commented 2 years ago

In order to complete paper catalogue, I need a cached value for collection object, which includes all information from CO, CE, type, repository, biocurations, etc.

mjy commented 2 years ago

@proceps I have stubbed most of the method, the pieces are in place. I added a temporary field to /type_materials/:id so you can see the render. Code is in /app/helpers/type_materials/catalog_helper.rb.

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mjy commented 2 years ago

Remeber that is is best practice to render collecting_event.document_label here, not verbatim. You can edit the document label and expand it with additional characters, for publication. For example U[nited]S[tates of]A[merica]: Ill[inois] ... Y[ellow]P[an]T[rap] etc. I do render verbatim of document isn't here at present.