Building this out very much follows the existing "paper catalog" (PC) strategy. Going through the above paper the following list are a status for the elements of that paper as implemented in TW:
[x] Advanced integrated reference management and object "citability", with ability to specify existience of specific "topics' (this taxon in this publication has something about x, y, z, keys, images...)
[x] Basic botanical name handling
[x] Repository refrences and summaries (sensu PC), i.e ability to do "CPUN, CUZ, HA, HUT, HUTI, LOJA, MA, Q, QAP, QC..."
[x] Specimen digitization, georeferencening, etc.
[x] Literature referencs to distributions
[ ] Material examined sections. Core in-scope functionality, but not done yet. We've done this in precursor software, its well understood and a medimum-level priority (hope to demo some things by May TWT).
[x] Distribution summaries. Since TW handles specimens, literature, and field-observations we can summarize across these worlds. Queries to do this exist, fairly straight forward aggregating/summarizing functions vairiously exist, they could be tweaked for this format.
[x] Text sections (like Note, Distribution, Taxonomic notes). Well developed as "Content" in TaxonWorks. See Topics and the Content editor.
[x] Type specimen handling/rendering. We have explicit TypeMaterial models, extremely rich specimen digitization, and methods to summarize data into concise human readable strings.
[ ] Wrapping "Catalog" data-structure. We have existing generic code that facilitates "entries" and "entry-items" that we can use to group data into units to render. We'd need a new module/class specific to the botanical checklist format above.
[ ] Rendering of "Catalog" data-structuer. Here we would likely follow the pattern used in PaperCatlaog where we render a Markdown format then tranform it into other document formats as needed (pdf, word, e-book).
... more as we think of them.
Some questions regarding downstream publication come to mind:
Pensofts publishing tools structure many of these sections. I haven't recently looked at whether structured data can be sumbitted at the whole publication level, this would be ideal rather than re-keying TW data into their formats. I'm certain they'd be happy to outline what they have, we have danced to the side of them for a very very long time. I suspect advancing a conversation with publishers would best be facilitated if we can come to the table with a "fully" realized product.
An enquiry from Quentin.
Building this out very much follows the existing "paper catalog" (PC) strategy. Going through the above paper the following list are a status for the elements of that paper as implemented in TW:
Some questions regarding downstream publication come to mind: