SpeciesFileGroup / taxonworks

Workbench for biodiversity informatics.
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Task - Get a DOI from GLOBI for publishing my BiologicalAssociations data #673

Open mjy opened 5 years ago

mjy commented 5 years ago


When I have curated a large dataset of biological interactions,
   then I want to use a task to help me "publish" these data
        the publication process should
             remind the user of their existing published datasets, including highlighting how long it has been since publication
             create a new BiologicalAssociationGraph in TW
             cite that graph
             generate a dataset for export
             submit that dataset to GLOBI
                   get a DOI automatically, through services from GLOBI
             attach that DOI to the Source used in the prior mentioned Citation                   
jhpoelen commented 5 years ago

Great idea! Please do note that GloBI is more of an indexer, not a publisher.

When I have curated a large dataset of biological interactions,
   then I want to use a task to help me "publish" these data
        the publication process should
             remind the user of their existing published datasets, including highlighting how long it has been since publication
             create a new BiologicalAssociationGraph in TW
             cite that graph
             generate a dataset for export
             submit that dataset to Zenodo (and other data publications)
                   get a DOI automatically
             notify GloBI of publication (e.g., add Zenodo publication to GloBI community or let GloBI know in some other way)
             attach that DOI to the Source used in the prior mentioned Citation
             GloBI reviews, indexes and integrates publication, creating status "badges" for visual confirmation. 
mjy commented 5 years ago

I'm thinking of "publisher" in the broad sense. You mint new sha values used as indecies, you are a publisher ;).

jhpoelen commented 5 years ago

Ok - as long as it is clear that the original dataset is archived some place other than GloBI.