SpectData / MONAH

Multi-Modal Narratives for Humans
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Administer the Qualtrics Survey (High Priority) #25

Open joshkyh opened 3 years ago

joshkyh commented 3 years ago

Key Tasks:

1. Identify participants to send invite to. Linguistics students have the priority, we are looking for 50 completed survey by non-linguistics students and 50 by linguistics students.

2. Invites should be personalized. We want to track who amongst the signups have completed via personalized links, not their input email (because human inputs can be wrong). Also we want to be able to stop users from trying the screening section multiple times.

Use Distribution > Personal Links > Link expires in 30 days. But in the email, put 28 days so that you get a 2 day buffer between link generation and link send.

3. Send the email out from Marriane@spectdata.com; CC: ykim6503@uni.sydney.edu.au.

We would have to send one email at a time, because each link is personalized to each user.

Subject: Human Evaluation of Multimodal Narratives

Body: Hi,

Thank you for the interest in taking the survey, "Human Evaluation of Multimodal Narratives". I am administering the survey execution on behalf of ykim6503@uni.sydney.edu.au (as CC-ed).

Participants will receive a gift voucher as compensation for their time. Participants who passed the screening section, complete and submit the whole survey before the closing date (28 days from the receipt of this email) will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. Participants who do not complete the whole survey will not be eligible to receive the $10 Amazon gift card.

Please find below link to the survey. https://blablablah.com/blablabla

Thank you.

Best Regards, Marriane Makahiya

4. Track completed response in a spreadsheet (shared securely with you). Columns to be included, name, email address, passed screening, answered all compulsory questions, date of submission.

5. Grant Amazon Gift card via email (CC ykim6503@uni.sydney.edu.au) and track grants in the same spreadsheet. Add to the above spreadsheet these columns, gift card number, email sent date.

Subject: Completed Survey - Human Evaluation of Multimodal Narratives

Body: Hi,

Thank you for taking the survey. Please find attached the Amazon Gift Card from Amazon.com.au

Best Regards, Marriane Makahiya

Attachment: Attach the correct gift card onto the email. Do not copy and paste the gift card number onto your email because that would introduce human error. Ensure that you double check the attached gift card and track the grant in the spreadsheet to avoid giving the wrong gift card.

6. Send me an email when the current batch of 25 is finishing.

joshkyh commented 3 years ago

Learnings: 1 - Conversion rate of email blast to response is low at 30%. Joshua needs to use the email feature within Qualtrics to reduce manual effort 2 - To do [1], I indicate that the registration cutoff is 7 days away to allow time for liason with University Coordinators. There can only be one anonymous link, personal links are tied to email address (which we don't have before signup). 3 - Is attempt expiry too long, at 4 weeks? 4 - I would be able to minimize the spam filter if I combine participant sign up and the survey, but I have less control over retries because people can use a different email address. 5 - Obtain feedback from Marriane.