SpecterOps / Nemesis

An offensive data enrichment pipeline
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Error viewing uploaded file #48

Open kyleavery opened 6 months ago

kyleavery commented 6 months ago

I setup a fresh instance of Nemesis and uploaded a PDF file. Accessing the file by UUID or browsing to /Files returns the following error message. I've completely rebuilt Nemesis (minikube delete...) but the result is the same.

Error retrieving file_data_enriched from the database: (psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable) relation "file_data_enriched" does not exist LINE 25: FROM file_data_enriched ^

[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT file_data_enriched.project_id as project_id, file_data_enriched.source as source, file_data_enriched.timestamp as "timestamp", file_data_enriched.unique_db_id::varchar, file_data_enriched.agent_id as agent_id, file_data_enriched.object_id::varchar as object_id, file_data_enriched.path as path, file_data_enriched.name as name, file_data_enriched.size as size, file_data_enriched.md5 as md5, file_data_enriched.sha1 as sha1, file_data_enriched.sha256 as sha256, file_data_enriched.nemesis_file_type as nemesis_file_type, file_data_enriched.magic_type as magic_type, file_data_enriched.converted_pdf_id::varchar as converted_pdf_id, file_data_enriched.extracted_plaintext_id::varchar as extracted_plaintext_id, file_data_enriched.extracted_source_id::varchar as extracted_source_id, file_data_enriched.tags as tags, file_data_enriched.originating_object_id as originating_object_id, triage.value as triage, triage.unique_db_id as triage_unique_db_id, notes.value as notes

FROM file_data_enriched

LEFT JOIN triage ON file_data_enriched.unique_db_id = triage.unique_db_id

LEFT JOIN notes ON file_data_enriched.unique_db_id = notes.unique_db_id AND notes.value ILIKE %(notes)s

WHERE source ILIKE %(source)s AND project_id ILIKE %(project_id)s AND "timestamp" >= %(startdate)s AND "timestamp" <= %(enddate)s

AND (triage.value IS NULL OR triage.value = 'unknown')
AND originating_object_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
ORDER BY "timestamp" DESC) AS s]

[parameters: {'notes': '%%', 'source': '%', 'project_id': '%', 'startdate': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 28, 0, 0), 'enddate': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 28, 21, 34)}] (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/20/f405)
kyleavery commented 6 months ago

Update: I tried uploading a simple .txt file and the result was the same. Doesn't seem to be related to PDF files specifically or the size of my original file.

leechristensen commented 6 months ago

Odd, sounds like the Postgres schema isn't even initialized for some some reason. Some questions:

  1. What OS are you using?
  2. What specs did you give your k8s cluster? We recommend 3 CPU and at least 12GB RAM
  3. Does your k8s host OS actually have the resources in question 2?
  4. If you navigate to http://<NEMESIS>/hasura/console/data/sql and run select * from file_data_enriched; does it succeed?

If your cluster is still running, you could retry redeploying postgres and then repeating the query in question 4 above to ensure that the table is being created. Steps to redeploy postgres are as follows:

kubectl delete deployment postgres
sleep 5 # Wait for it to delete
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/postgres/deployment.yaml
kyleavery commented 6 months ago

What OS are you using?

Debian 11

What specs did you give your k8s cluster?

Minikube has default 3 CPUs and 12GB memory. Confirmed with minikube config view vm-driver

Does your k8s host OS actually have the resources in question 2?

The host has 4 CPUs and 16GB memory.

If you navigate to http:///hasura/console/data/sql and run select * from file_data_enriched; does it succeed?

No. I ran the query and this was the result:

SQL Execution Failed relation "file_data_enriched" does not exist.null

    "arguments": [],
    "error": {
        "description": null,
        "exec_status": "FatalError",
        "hint": null,
        "message": "relation \"file_data_enriched\" does not exist",
        "status_code": "42P01"
    "prepared": false,
    "statement": "select * from file_data_enriched;"

If your cluster is still running, you could retry redeploying postgres and then repeating the query in question 4...

The result was the same. I also tried deleting the persistent volume, but that did not change anything for me.

kyleavery commented 5 months ago

I haven't had time to pinpoint the exact setting, but the issue seems to be caused by the changes I made to my config file. I'm guessing it is the username or password for one of the services.

kyleavery commented 5 months ago

It was the postgres_user variable. I can change everything else, including the postgres_password, and it works fine.