SpectrixDev / Spectrum

A Discord bot with tons of features, written in Python, made for fun.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Discord Bot List API not working right (Unauthorized 401) #5

Closed SpectrixDev closed 6 years ago

SpectrixDev commented 6 years ago

It never works and I'm still getting errors now

Failed to post server count Unauthorized: Unauthorized (status code: 401): {"error":"Unauthorized"} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/Spectrix/cogs/dblUpdater.py", line 25, in update_stats await self.dblpy.post_server_count() File "/home/Spectrix/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dbl/client.py", line 100, in post_server_count Unauthorized: Unauthorized (status code: 401): {"error":"Unauthorized"} await self.http.post_server_count(self.bot_id, self.guild_count(), shard_count, shard_no) File "/home/Spectrix/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dbl/http.py", line 189, in post_server_count await self.request('POST', '{}/bots/{}/stats'.format(self.BASE, bot_id), json=payload) File "/home/Spectrix/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dbl/http.py", line 158, in request raise Unauthorized(resp, data) dbl.errors.Unauthorized: Unauthorized (status code: 401): {"error":"Unauthorized"}

Basically, it's saying it's unauthorized, and i checked the api on github https://github.com/DiscordBotList/DBL-Python-Library/issues/5 So apparently it's a bug

Any other ways of posting to the discord bot list api that actually work?

brahmnw commented 6 years ago

probably using an outdated token tbh

ghost commented 6 years ago

o shit hello

SpectrixDev commented 6 years ago

i'd just like to confirm it's not an outdated token

samhza commented 6 years ago

Broh the dbl api won't just accidentally fuck up up your token, fix that shit. Also coding your tokens straight into the code is a bad idea cus you have to change it then change it back every single time you push to GitHub.

SpectrixDev commented 6 years ago

I know, that's why I'm changing that. I'm busy doing it all in the new branch Spectrum-main. But I'm afraid it's not a broken token. Token matches the website exactly.

brahmnw commented 6 years ago

There's a way to publish without using the dbl api. Just use aiohttp.ClientSession() to get it from the actual source.

brahmnw commented 6 years ago
import aiohttp

dbltoken = "token"
url = "https://discordbots.org/api/bots/" + bot.user.id + "/stats"
headers = {"Authorization" : dbltoken}

async def on_ready():
    payload = {"server_count"  : len(bot.servers)}
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as aioclient:
            await aioclient.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)

async def on_server_join(server):
    payload = {"server_count"  : len(bot.servers)}
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as aioclient:
            await aioclient.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)

async def on_server_remove(server):
    payload = {"server_count"  : len(bot.servers)}
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as aioclient:
            await aioclient.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
SpectrixDev commented 6 years ago

I'll try that soon. I've tried something similar before

SpectrixDev commented 6 years ago

Ok so after 27 days I actually tried it. Thanks.

SpectrixDev commented 6 years ago

And here's the code (I changed it to rewrite) if anyone has the same problem