Spectrum-CETB / LesKollab

This is a project sharing and collaborations application
MIT License
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improve the schema (add new relation in SQL ) #18

Closed Raghad-Khaled closed 3 years ago

Raghad-Khaled commented 3 years ago

Describe the issue: in the relation Projects attribute tag not an atomic value I suggest to normalize it to be good schema and (we can filter project after that acording their stack) How to reproduce the issue: create new relation(table) that has stacks and new relation to has projects and their stacks (it is more clear in image below) and this edit will need some changes in post-project.php file Expected behavior: the database schema will be good and we can add new feature that filer projects with stack Proof of issue(Screenshot/Location where to find the issue): the schema now:


then schema should be:


the ER https://lucid.app/lucidchart/invitations/accept/5427fda2-4eb8-4072-9a16-0ae48ad70ea0

rupeshmohanty commented 3 years ago

Can you explain me how exactly the output is gonna be?

Raghad-Khaled commented 3 years ago

it will not change any thing in Ui of the project it will only change how the schema store the data so after that we can add filter on the projects by their stack and I think in more feature that enable user to search for projects suits their stack and that will not be applicable without change the data base schema I hope that is clear now

rupeshmohanty commented 3 years ago

For that you have to write a backend code too. So changing the database will not be sufficient to fix this issue.

Raghad-Khaled commented 3 years ago

yes I know , I mentioned that need changes in post-project.php file

rupeshmohanty commented 3 years ago

Okay I am assigning this issue to you!