SpectrumQT / WWMI

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Errors in drawing VS's with encore? #6

Closed Apoc1011 closed 2 months ago

Apoc1011 commented 2 months ago

Hello spectrum, sorry to bother you again with another problem. But I seem to have found a new bug. Not sure if your aware of it, so I will post my findings down below.

WWMI version : 0.6.2 \

Character Tested : Encore \

Issue : Component 4 ( Front hair piece ), doesn't get properly drawn when other components are missing pieces of there mesh. \

Abstract : Upon extensive testing with exporting various altercations of the mod. I have found that extensive changes in a mesh of a model , results in the component for her front piece of hair missing. This only seems to occur when the mesh itself is altered VIA subtraction, and not when the component is removed, or other meshes added. \

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Thoughts : I am not sure where the issue lies, but it often feels like the system is trying to draw onto a mesh that no longer exists. So it draws onto the nearest thing it can find, which might be the hair component 4, since it feels like that is rendered above everything. And since the mesh no longer exists, it creates these gaps in the texture, where its blank or invisible. I am no coding experct, so I probably sound like an idiot right now.

But either way, once again, I hope this info proves to be useful.

Apoc1011 commented 2 months ago

Addenum: I am not sure why, but after restarting both blender and the game, and loading backup the same mods, most of the issues have been fixed except this small piece right here. wholesome

Would this happen to be something on my end? As I was trying to inject the mods directly and reload them to test. Would it be cause I didnt allow everything to properly restart/reset ?

SpectrumQT commented 2 months ago

Hello! I'm sorry that it wasn't added to known issues. Flickering and ghosting is caused by vs-cb usage of 0.6.X mod.ini format. Also it often fixes itself after the game restart. I've managed to switch to vb0 usage for upcoming 0.7.0, re-exporting your mod.ini's with updated WWMI Tools (after its release) should get rid of those issues.

Apoc1011 commented 2 months ago

oh ok. Glad to know I wasnt going crazy. Sorry for reposting known issues. Thanks again for all the hard work

SpectrumQT commented 2 months ago

Please try out the latest WWMI and WWMI Tools releases. Mod should get fixed after re-export.

Apoc1011 commented 2 months ago

Things are working great now. As always , thank you for the hard work. I appreciate your work ethic. Would it be ok for me to continue posting any future bugs I find?

SpectrumQT commented 2 months ago

Sure thing, that's exactly what Issues section is made for. It's always useful to have more context when fighting bugs. And thank you for your reports!