Spelt / ZXing.Delphi

ZXing Barcode Scanning object Pascal Library for Delphi VCL and Delphi Firemonkey
Apache License 2.0
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Please added and fixed #95

Closed amidomaru89 closed 4 years ago

amidomaru89 commented 4 years ago

Please added and fixed CodaBar This code not have erros, but not working. Please help. https://github.com/amidomaru89/file-CodaBar-for-zXing-Delphi/blob/master/ZXing.OneD.CodaBarReader.pas

Spelt commented 4 years ago


I understand that you have a problem with Codabar?

Can you provide a failing case?

Sincerely Edward

Op 1 apr. 2020 om 08:40 heeft amidomaru89 notifications@github.com het volgende geschreven:

 Please added and fixed CodaBar This code not have erros, but not working. Please help.

`unit ZXing.OneD.CodaBarReader; {

Copyright 2008 ZXing authors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

limitations under the License.

Implemented by V. Marchenko for Delphi }


uses System.SysUtils, System.Generics.Collections, Math, ZXing.OneD.OneDReader, ZXing.Common.BitArray, ZXing.ReadResult, ZXing.DecodeHintType, ZXing.ResultPoint, ZXing.BarcodeFormat, ZXing.Common.Detector.MathUtils;


TCodaBarReader = class sealed(TOneDReader)

private class var ALPHABET: TArray; function findStartPattern: Integer; function toNarrowWidePattern(position: integer): integer; function validatePattern(start: integer):integer; function setCounters(const row: IBitArray): boolean;

function counterAppend(e:integer):boolean; const ALPHABET_STRING: string = '0123456789-$:/.+ABCD'; MAX_ACCEPTABLE: Double = 2.0; PADDING: Double = 1.5; MIN_CHARACTER_LENGTH: integer = 3; // class var ASTERISK_ENCODING: Integer;

class var STARTEND_ENCODING: TArray; CHARACTER_ENCODINGS: TArray; counters: TArray; counterLength: integer; decodeRowResult: TStringBuilder; usingCheckDigit: boolean; extendedMode: boolean; function arrayContains(arr: TArray; key:char ): boolean;

public function decodeRow(const rowNumber: Integer; const row: IBitArray; const hints: TDictionary<TDecodeHintType, TObject>): TReadResult; override;

constructor Create(AUsingCheckDigit: boolean); destructor Destroy(); override; end;


{ CodaBarReader }

constructor TCodaBarReader.Create(AUsingCheckDigit: boolean); begin STARTEND_ENCODING := TArray.Create('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'); ALPHABET := ALPHABET_STRING.ToCharArray; CHARACTER_ENCODINGS := TArray.Create($003, $006, $009, $060, $012, $042, $021, $024, $030, $048, // 0-9 $00c, $018, $045, $051, $054, $015, $01A, $029, $00B, $00E // -$:/.+ABCD );


counters := TArray.Create(); SetLength(counters, 80); decodeRowResult := TStringBuilder.Create(); usingCheckDigit := AUsingCheckDigit;


destructor TCodaBarReader.Destroy; begin ALPHABET := nil; CHARACTER_ENCODINGS := nil; STARTEND_ENCODING := nil; counters := nil; FreeAndNil(decodeRowResult); inherited; end;

function TCodaBarReader.arrayContains(arr: TArray; key:char ): boolean; var c: integer; begin

if (arr <> nil) then begin for c:=1 to Length(arr) do begin if arr[c] = key then begin Result:= true; end;

end; end; Result:= false; end;

// Assumes that counters[position] is a bar. function TCodaBarReader.toNarrowWidePattern(position: integer): integer; var ends, maxBar, minBar, i, j, currentCounter, thresholdBar, maxSpace, minSpace: integer; thresholdSpace, bitmask, pattern, threshold:integer; theCounters: TArray; begin ends := position + 7; if ends >= counterLength then Result := -1; theCounters := counters; maxBar := 0; minBar := High(Integer); j:= position; while j < ends do begin j:= j+2; currentCounter := theCounters[j]; if (currentCounter < minBar) then minBar := currentCounter; if (currentCounter > maxBar) then maxBar := currentCounter;


thresholdBar := trunc( (minBar + maxBar) / 2); maxSpace := 0; minSpace := High(Integer);

j := position+1; while j < ends do begin j:= j+2; currentCounter := theCounters[j]; if (currentCounter < minSpace) then minSpace := currentCounter; if (currentCounter > maxSpace) then maxSpace := currentCounter;

end; thresholdSpace := trunc((minSpace + maxSpace) / 2); bitmask := 1 Shl 7; pattern := 0; I := 0; while i < 7 do begin i:= i+1; if ((i and 1) = 0) then threshold:= thresholdBar else threshold:=thresholdSpace;

bitmask:= bitmask Shr 1; if (theCounters[position + i] > threshold) then pattern := pattern or bitmask;


i := 0; while i < length(CHARACTER_ENCODINGS) do begin if CHARACTER_ENCODINGS[i] = pattern then Result := i; i:= i+1; end;

//Result := -1; end;

function TCodaBarReader.findStartPattern():integer; var i, j, charOffset, patternSize: integer; begin i := 1; while i < counterLength do begin i := i + 2; charOffset := toNarrowWidePattern(i); if ((charOffset <> -1) AND (arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, ALPHABET[charOffset]))) then begin // Look for whitespace before start pattern, >= 50% of width of start pattern // We make an exception if the whitespace is the first element. patternSize := 0; j := i; while j < (i + 7) do begin j := j+ 1; patternSize := patternSize + counters[j]; end; if ((i = 1) OR (counters[i - 1] >= (patternSize / 2))) then Result := i; end; end; //Result:= 0; end;

function TCodaBarReader.validatePattern(start:integer): integer; var sizes, counts: TArray; ends, pos, i, j, pattern, size, category, charack: integer; maxes, mins: TArray;

begin sizes := TArray.create(0, 0, 0, 0); counts := TArray.create(0, 0, 0, 0); ends := decodeRowResult.length - 1; // We break out of this loop in the middle, in order to handle // inter-character spaces properly. pos := start; i := 0;

while true do begin i:=i+1; // CHARACTER_ENCODINGS[decodeRowResult.charAt(i)]; if decodeRowResult[i] <> '-' then begin pattern := CHARACTER_ENCODINGS[StrToInt(decodeRowResult[i])]; j:= 6; while j >= 0 do begin j:= j-1; // Even j = bars, while odd j = spaces. Categories 2 and 3 are for // long stripes, while 0 and 1 are for short stripes. category := (j and 1) + (pattern and 1) * 2; sizes[category] := sizes[category] + counters[pos + j]; counts[category]:= counts[category]+ 1; pattern := pattern Shr 1; end;

if i >= ends then break;

// We ignore the inter-character space - it could be of any size. pos := pos + 8; end; end;

// Calculate our allowable size thresholds using fixed-point math.

SetLength(maxes, 4); SetLength(mins, 4);

// Define the threshold of acceptability to be the midpoint between the // average small stripe and the average large stripe. No stripe lengths // should be on the "wrong" side of that line.

// âûáèâàåò îøèáêó äåëåíèÿ íà íîëü {i := 0; while i < 2 do begin i:= i+1; mins[i] := 0.0; // Accept arbitrarily small "short" stripes. mins[i + 2] := (sizes[i] / counts[i] + sizes[i + 2] / counts[i + 2]) / 2.0; maxes[i] := mins[i + 2]; maxes[i + 2] := (sizes[i + 2] * MAX_ACCEPTABLE + PADDING) / counts[i + 2]; end; }

// Now verify that all of the stripes are within the thresholds. pos := start; i := 0; while true do begin i:= i+1; if decodeRowResult[i] <> '-' then begin pattern := CHARACTER_ENCODINGS[StrToInt(decodeRowResult[i])];

j := 6; while j >= 0 do begin j:= j-1; // Even j = bars, while odd j = spaces. Categories 2 and 3 are for // long stripes, while 0 and 1 are for short stripes. category := (j and 1) + (pattern and 1) * 2; size := counters[pos + j]; if ((size < mins[category]) OR (size > maxes[category])) then begin Result:=0; exit end; pattern := pattern Shr 1; end;

if i >= ends then break; pos := pos + 8; end; // CHARACTER_ENCODINGS[decodeRowResult.charAt(i)];

end; end;


Records the size of all runs of white and black pixels, starting with white.

This is just like recordPattern, except it records all the counters, and

uses our builtin "counters" member for storage.

@param row row to count from *} function TCodaBarReader.setCounters(const row: IBitArray): boolean; var i, ends, count:integer; isWhite: boolean; begin counterLength := 0; // Start from the first white bit. i:= row.getNextUnset(0) ;//. getNextUnset(0); ends := row.Size; if i >= ends then begin Result:=false; exit end; isWhite := true; count := 0; while i < ends do begin if (row[i] <> isWhite) then count:= count + 1 else begin counterAppend(count); count := 1; isWhite := false; end;

i:= i+1; end;

counterAppend(count); end;

function TCodaBarReader.counterAppend(e:integer):boolean; var temp: TArray; begin counters[counterLength] := e; counterLength:= counterLength+1; if (counterLength >= length(counters)) then begin SetLength(temp, counterLength * 2);

  System.CopyArray(counters, temp, 0, counterLength);       //arraycopy(counters, 0, temp, 0, counterLength);
  counters := temp;

end; end;

function TCodaBarReader.decodeRow(const rowNumber: Integer; const row: IBitArray; const hints: TDictionary<TDecodeHintType, TObject>): TReadResult; var startOffset, nextStart, charOffset, trailingWhitespace, lastPatternSize, runningCount, i: integer; startchar, endchar: Char; left, right: Double; resultPoints: TArray; temps: string; begin

for i := 0 to Length(counters)-1 do counters[i] := 0;

setCounters(row); startOffset := 0;//findStartPattern(); nextStart := startOffset;

//decodeRowResult.Clear; // .setLength(0);

//for I := 0 to counterLength do temps:= temps + counters[i].ToString + ' ';

for I := 0 to counterLength do decodeRowResult.append(toNarrowWidePattern(i)); { while (nextStart < counterLength) do begin charOffset := toNarrowWidePattern(nextStart);

decodeRowResult.append(charOffset.ToString); nextStart := nextStart + 8; end; }

repeat begin charOffset := toNarrowWidePattern(nextStart); if charOffset = -1 then begin Result:= nil; exit end;

// Hack: We store the position in the alphabet table into a // StringBuilder, so that we can access the decoded patterns in // validatePattern. We'll translate to the actual characters later. decodeRowResult.append(charOffset);

nextStart := nextStart + 8; // Stop as soon as we see the end character. if ((decodeRowResult.Length > 1) AND (arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, ALPHABET[charOffset]))) then break; end until (nextStart < counterLength); // no fixed end pattern so keep on reading while data is available

// Look for whitespace after pattern: trailingWhitespace := counters[nextStart - 1]; lastPatternSize := 0; for i:= -8 to -1 do begin lastPatternSize := lastPatternSize + counters[nextStart + i]; end; Result := TReadResult.Create(lastPatternSize.ToString, nil, nil, TBarcodeFormat.CODABAR);

{ // We need to see whitespace equal to 50% of the last pattern size, // otherwise this is probably a false positive. The exception is if we are // at the end of the row. (I.e. the barcode barely fits.) if ((nextStart < counterLength) AND (trailingWhitespace < (lastPatternSize / 2))) then begin Result:=nil; exit end;



// Translate character table offsets to actual characters. for i:= 0 to decodeRowResult.length do begin // decodeRowResult.setCharAt(i, ALPHABET[decodeRowResult.charAt(i)]); // íî ýòî ìîæåò áûòü íèõðåíà íå ïðàâèëüíî if decodeRowResult[i] <> '-' then decodeRowResult.Chars[i]:= ALPHABET[StrToInt(decodeRowResult[i])]; end; Result := TReadResult.Create(decodeRowResult.ToString, nil, nil, TBarcodeFormat.CODABAR); { // Ensure a valid start and end character startchar := decodeRowResult[0]; if NOT (arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, startchar)) then begin Result:=nil; exit end;

endchar := decodeRowResult[decodeRowResult.Length-1]; if NOT (arrayContains(STARTEND_ENCODING, endchar)) then begin Result:=nil; exit end;

// remove stop/start characters character and check if a long enough string is contained if (decodeRowResult.Length <= MIN_CHARACTER_LENGTH) then begin // Almost surely a false positive ( start + stop + at least 1 character) Result:=nil; exit end;

if ((hints = nil) OR NOT (hints.containsKey(TDecodeHintType.RETURN_CODABAR_START_END))) then begin decodeRowResult.Remove(decodeRowResult.Length - 1, 1); decodeRowResult.Remove(0,1); end;

runningCount := 0; i := 0; while i < startOffset do begin i:= i+1; runningCount := runningCount + counters[i]; end; left := runningCount; i := startOffset; while i < (nextStart - 1) do begin i:= i+1; runningCount := runningCount + counters[i]; end; right := runningCount;


//Result := TReadResult.Create(decodeRowResult.ToString ,nil, nil, TBarcodeFormat.CODABAR); end;



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amidomaru89 commented 4 years ago

Hi Here is an example This 100% CodaBar I'm tested on my phone from application BarcodeScanner FJIMG_20190909_164304 FJIMG_20190910_162903

Spelt commented 4 years ago


I will check it soon. Don’t no exactly when but its on the list.

Op 1 apr. 2020 om 21:15 heeft amidomaru89 notifications@github.com het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Here is an example

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Spelt commented 4 years ago

With which phone did you test it with? And which model?

amidomaru89 commented 4 years ago

Elephone P9000 with custom LinageOS 13, Xiaomi Mi 9T, Xiaomi mi 8 Lite and ofter with Meizu, Samsung and Sony

Spelt commented 4 years ago

Ok I did not understand you. Sorry about that.

Codabar is not converted yet and you pointed me to source which you've created but it does not work yet and you want me to debug it for you. I will not debug it for you because I dont have an immediate need for Codabar and because i'm not working for you ;-)

However, what I did is created a new Codabar branch with my own conversion/translation and unit test for you. As a starting point. Its not working yet.

Hope it helps!

Sincerely, Edward

I'm closing this issue but please reopen or create a new one if you or someone else got it to work,