SpenceKonde / ATTinyCore

Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
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Newer version of ATTinyCore not working #284

Closed gcormier closed 5 years ago

gcormier commented 5 years ago

I have a project that when using the newer version, no longer works.

I've tried both the clockwise and counter-clockwise options with no luck. Is there anything else I should be checking? Using 1.1.5, it works perfect.

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

What are the symptoms? There may have been a regression that I haven't fixed yet (because I'm not aware of it), but without more information, I couldn't venture a guess

Do you get a compile error? If so post the compile output.

gcormier commented 5 years ago

No build errors - compiles and flashes fine.

Let me try some of the newer versions after 1.1.5 to see if I can narrow it down (I only tried latest vs the last major version, not the other v2 releases)

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

But the behavior doesn't match?

That's... not good at all. Can you post the code or a link to it, and a description of what it used to do, and how that differs from what it does now?

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

My guess is that whatever broke, it's 1.2.2 that did it, not 1.2.1. (1.2.0 and 1.2.1 are the same for everything except the tiny x61)

gcormier commented 5 years ago

This is the project


Unfortunately without that desk it would be hard to test, but you can see the code if it gives any hints.

The part that "broke" was the LIN bus communications. This is handled in lin.cpp.

gcormier commented 5 years ago

Okay, 1.2.1 does work. 1.2.2 does not.

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

Can you try with the github version? I just fixed a really nasty mistake relating to the 841

Ie, uninstall via board manager, then sync this repo into (sketchbook folder)/hardware (or download it, extract it and put the folder there, renaming it to ATTinyCore)

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

Especially if that fixes it, I will do a new release tonight. That was a horrifying bug that I'm astonished wasn't caught by someone before now.

gcormier commented 5 years ago

So I should have

megadesk\megadesk.ino (and other source) megadesk\hardware\ATTinyCore\avrdude_conf.txt etc

Then how do I select it in the Arduino IDE?


SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

No, that's not the correct location.

Your "Sketchbook folder" is the folder listed at the top of File -> Preferences (typically C:/Users/YourUsername/Arduino - but can be set to other locations)

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

Er, sorry, C:/Users/YourUsername/Documents/Arduino is the default

gcormier commented 5 years ago


SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

Should be Documents/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore (you will have to create the hardware folder if you have not previously manually installed any board packages)

gcormier commented 5 years ago

Yes, your fix worked!

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

Yay! The commit that fixed it was 77e367a51255e8a76d5278eab079dc266f34cbd7

gcormier commented 5 years ago

How long does it normally take to show up on board manager?

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

I'm creating the release now. After that it takes typically 24-48 hours for Pert to generate the new json file and me to merge it and upload it to server.

SpenceKonde commented 5 years ago

It's in board manager now