SpenceKonde / ATTinyCore

Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
1.53k stars 302 forks source link

a somewhat working CI (5 out of 50 go green) #731

Closed designer2k2 closed 1 year ago

designer2k2 commented 1 year ago

Hello, this brings a somewhat working CI. I got 5 out of 50 configurations to build without error. And some fail only on some examples. I also changed some other files to have less lint check errors.

It will require some closer looks to the errors given to determine if they are actually from the ATTinyCore or from the CI setup!

See the last run on my fork with this changes: https://github.com/designer2k2/ATTinyCore/actions/runs/3543621011

founfabug commented 1 year ago

Great work!!!

designer2k2 commented 1 year ago

the last commit makes the markdown lint check working by using the specific rules, it now just gives a handfull errors: https://github.com/designer2k2/ATTinyCore/actions/runs/3546751834/jobs/5956118947

SpenceKonde commented 1 year ago
