SpenceKonde / ATTinyCore

Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
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Fails to install due to Tool avrdude is not available for your operating system #777

Closed usr97629238 closed 1 year ago

usr97629238 commented 1 year ago

Fails to install on linux-i686 (Debian 11), arduino-cli Version: 0.32.2 due to:

arduino-cli core install ATTinyCore:avr
Tool arduino:avr-gcc@7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7 already installed
Downloading packages...
Error during install: Error downloading tool arduino:avrdude@6.3.0-arduino18: no versions available for the current OS, try contacting packages@arduino.cc

Apparently it's the same issue as https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore/issues/557

SpenceKonde commented 1 year ago

I'm aware that we have this issue and it's straightforward to work around for 2.0.0. Unfortunately the issue cannot be corrected without doing a new release. Arduino stopped building for 32 bit linux years ago, and this release was between when they did that, and when I learned that they had done that. I solved it by having megaTinyCore and dxcore download an older version of avrdude for 32-bit linux. I worked around it when i was able to do a release, but I don't think I can do a new 1.5.x release at this point and 2.0.0, the next planned release is 2.0.0. No ETA on that though, as we don't have enough people testing over there, and it looks like I;m going to be mostly occupied with the bullshit of moving unexpectedly and against my will for months, because that's how long it takes to relocate my operation center.

By 2.0.0 we will be using AVRdude 7.2. If that supports x86 linux, 2.0.0 will, otherwise it will not, and x86 linux as a supported platform will be dropped from all my cores for uploads through AVRdude (modern AVRs would still have SerialUPDI

Spence Konde Azzy’S Electronics

New products! Check them out at tindie.com/stores/DrAzzy GitHub: github.com/SpenceKonde ATTinyCore: Arduino support for almost every ATTiny microcontroller Contact: @.***

On Fri, Jun 16, 2023, 09:42 user873655 @.***> wrote:

Fails to install on linux-i686 (Debian 11), arduino-cli Version: 0.32.2 due to:

arduino-cli core install ATTinyCore:avr Tool @. already installed Downloading packages... Error during install: Error downloading tool @.: no versions available for the current OS, try contacting @.***

Apparently it's the same issue as SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore#557 https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore/issues/557

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SpenceKonde commented 1 year ago

Ah I have just confirmed that it is expected that there will be x86 avrdude7.2 support.

Unfortunately, the head honcho over at avrdude says they only build for Windows. That may mean that there will be a windows only release of 2.0.0, followed by a 2.0.x version that adds support for non-windows platforms once Arduino has finally created the binaries. This is what I hate about avrdude - it has to be compiled. And apparently doing this is non-trivial, based on the observation that everyone seems loath to do it, and is one of the technical reasons I prefer python based tooling like SerialUPDI. most of the reasons are aesthetic or ideological.

Mcuee diplomatically said that there might be delays in the arduino build system binaries due to testing, which surprised me, as I have seen little evidence that Arduino tests their code prior to release (Sometimes it seems that microchip doesn't do a great job of testing their hw before they ship either)

But back onto the main topic: So how do you make the core install under those conditions? I'm in the process of a painful webserver rebuild - fallout from the drazzy.com issue (which has been partly rebuilt - and you'll notice that https now works too)

The plan though is for there to be a test json file that would have beta versions under a different name and location on that server, and there, I could reroll the 1.5.x core with the same core package referencing the different avrdude package. But until this is done all you can do is manual install. When I changed the version of avrdude i spec'ed, I was unaware that support for some platforms had been dropped i was just dutifully updating to the latest version of the standard tools. Once you put something into the board index json file, though you must never change it within that json file or all hell will break loose and it will break existing installs.

On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 9:42 AM user873655 @.***> wrote:

Fails to install on linux-i686 (Debian 11), arduino-cli Version: 0.32.2 due to:

arduino-cli core install ATTinyCore:avr Tool @. already installed Downloading packages... Error during install: Error downloading tool @.: no versions available for the current OS, try contacting @.***

Apparently it's the same issue as SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore#557 https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore/issues/557

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore/issues/777, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABTXEW43KWIOPAOX7S7VOK3XLRPF7ANCNFSM6AAAAAAZJI7VUI . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>


Spence Konde Azzy’S Electronics

New products! Check them out at tindie.com/stores/DrAzzy GitHub: github.com/SpenceKonde ATTinyCore https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore: Arduino support for all pre-2016 tinyAVR with >2k flash! megaTinyCore https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore: Arduino support for all post-2016 tinyAVR parts! DxCore https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore: Arduino support for the AVR Dx-series parts, the latest and greatest from Microchip! Contact: @.***

usr97629238 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, the head honcho over at avrdude says they only build for Windows.

Well, it seems that their idea is that it's available on Linux natively https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/avrdude. However, at least on Debian, that means no major updates until the next Debian release. They do provide though the CI build routines for all platforms https://github.com/avrdudes/avrdude/tree/main/.github/workflows

That may mean that there will be a windows only release of 2.0.0, followed by a 2.0.x version that adds support for non-windows platforms once Arduino has finally created the binaries

Why not relying on the Linux native packaged avrdude?

SpenceKonde commented 1 year ago

Because the platform.txt must match the avrdude version. It would be nice if that wasn't the case - but I'm not the one leading the avrdude effort (and if I was, I'd drag it behind the woodshed, and replace it with a few python scripts for the 2-3% of the programmers avrdude supports that are still relevant). The linux package manager supplied version could be anything. Beyond that, I don't trust package managers with Arduino-related stuff due to the well known fact that the Arduino IDE packages themselves if installed via a package manager are typically broken (in ways varying from obvious to subtle), because the package manager people modify them without understanding the impact of the changes they make, in order to conform to their ideology - which is very beautiful and self-consistent, but is not consistent with reality.