SpenceKonde / ATTinyCore

Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
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Malloc problem #863

Open FroggyCorp opened 4 weeks ago

FroggyCorp commented 4 weeks ago


I have some no sense issue on malloc and i have no way to reproduce it with simple code. I have some program using malloc which work on nano/STM32 but not on a Attiny85 with 2 malloc during the setup(). The attiny reboot during the malloc BUT if i add some testing around malloc, the attiny don't reboot and the program work ? I checked some memory leak (at setup() ?) with oscillo with that kind of code :

` int available = (RAMEND - (int)&__data_start + 1)

digitalWrite(1, LOW);

delay(100); digitalWrite(1, HIGH); delay(free_memory) digitalWrite(1, LOW); ` before and after the malloc, and i get enought memory (~300B) and the malloc take the correct amount of memory. The only fact to add that digitalWrite, make the program work. It could be delay issue, but i don't know.

So i changed all malloc by static allocation and no more problem.
