Closed dragonnn closed 7 years ago
What chip are we working with here? I can't find any references to an "Adafruit tinker", so I'm not sure what board you're referring to.
Sorry, it is Trinket - an Attiny 85 is on the board.
How are you using my core with a trinket? Are you using the usb programming? I didn't realize that worked...
Yes normal usb programing, the rest of the program works fine. I had the same problem with Interputs on the original Trinket board library.
I'm uncertain if this is related to the Trinket bootloader - it looks like they do some vector rewriting (judging by the bootloader hex - I couldn't find the part of the bootloader where they actually do that in the code). I haven't worked with a trinket before - but I also haven't tested attachInterrupt on a tiny85 myself either.
Ok... I understand :/. So I will move to Pro Mico for this project. Code above works on it.
I would definitely expect it to work on a bare ATTiny85 (or a trinket reprogrammed by ISP, removing the USB bootloader) - if it doesn't work on a vanilla '85, it's a bug.
Try reworking it to use PCINT's - that might get you there. I normally reach for PCINTs when I need interrupts in general.
Hi, I have Adafruit Tinker board, use ATTinyCore but I can not get Interput from pin get working, here is my code:
include "DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.h"
SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 2); // RX, TX
void isr() { //if (!digitalRead(3)) { // mp3_play (1); //} digitalWrite(1, HIGH); } // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { pinMode(1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(1, LOW); pinMode(3,INPUT_PULLUP); // IR on pin 3 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3),isr,FALLING); mySerial.begin (9600); mp3_set_serial (mySerial); //set softwareSerial for DFPlayer-mini mp3 module delay(1000); mp3_set_volume (15); delay(1000); mp3_play (1); }
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() {
I short the PIN3 to ground and nothing happens :/. Any idea?