SpenceKonde / megaTinyCore

Arduino core for the tinyAVR 0/1/2-series - Ones's digit 2,4,5,7 (pincount, 8,14,20,24), tens digit 0, 1, or 2 (featureset), preceded by flash in kb. Library maintainers: porting help available!
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We need an SD card library - anyone ported this one yet #226

Closed SpenceKonde closed 4 years ago

SpenceKonde commented 4 years ago

A lot of people have been asking about this...

CommonGrounds commented 4 years ago

What a coincidence, I'm just working with SD modifications, below is a rough version ( not using standard SD ( SdFat and PetitFs is much better ) of the modified standard SD library that need to be placed in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder ( only left what is needed for Mega tiny core in Sd2PinMap.h I deleted from that file everything else ).

As well as a some modified code by me from https://github.com/greiman/PetitFS wrapper of PetitFs original code http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_p.html ( works even on attiny 412 i include some examples ) but only for 412 ( spi is on swap(1) ( MOSI1 PA6 ,MISO1 PA7, SCK PA3, SS PA2, TXD1 PA1 ) and 3216 ( standard spi swap(0) MOSI ,MISO, SCK, SS ) and goes to sketchbook/libraries folder. I also have an interesting lowLatency logger - goes to sketchbook folder, but only for Attiny85 ( using USI SPI ). This modified PetitFs library works for Attiny85, Attiny841, Atmega328 and MegaTinyCore (412 and 3216 for now but modifications for other can be included i just have only this 2 ).

And modified Greiman SdFat so it can work with MegaTinyCore, that also goes in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder.

I'm currently working on wrapper for the full FatFs version http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html

SPI bug in megaTinyCore library must be corrected for this to work, if is not implemented yet i include correction for 412 and 3216 ) . SD.zip PetitFS.zip SdFat.zip PetitFs_LowLatency_logger.zip SPI_Correction_for_412_and_3216.zip

Gnuplot image from lowLatency logger example ( using PetitFS ) on attiny85 ( using PB5 as analog pin and reset pin in same time ( so it have some noise ), PB0 MISO, PB1 MOSI, PB2 SCK, PB4 SS, PB3 TX serial output ) , it can do 40000 Samples/sec on 8Mhz depending on card you use. I will do MegaTiny compatibile version or somebody can if you liked.


SpenceKonde commented 4 years ago

Aaah, thanks for reminding me that I need to do the SPI thing!

This is wonderful.

SpenceKonde commented 4 years ago

Can you explain the PetiteFS library? Where should it go - Can it be part of the core, or does it need to be installed separately?

SpenceKonde commented 4 years ago

Also, @CommonGrounds you say that these libraries have been adapted to support megaTinyCore. The included readme files do not reflect this, can you give a brief description of the changes you made to them and the name which I should credit that to in the library readme files?

SpenceKonde commented 4 years ago

Okay, I studied it further, that makes sense.

Code which goes in Sketchbook/Libraries is not my domain. Suggest submitting a PR with your fixes to the original repos for petitefs and SDFat

SpenceKonde commented 4 years ago

Okay I need to get more of a basic grounding in the state of SD libraries on Arduino...

Abutx commented 3 years ago

What a coincidence, I'm just working with SD modifications, below is a rough version ( not using standard SD ( SdFat and PetitFs is much better ) of the modified standard SD library that need to be placed in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder ( only left what is needed for Mega tiny core in Sd2PinMap.h I deleted from that file everything else ).

As well as a some modified code by me from https://github.com/greiman/PetitFS wrapper of PetitFs original code http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_p.html ( works even on attiny 412 i include some examples ) but only for 412 ( spi is on swap(1) ( MOSI1 PA6 ,MISO1 PA7, SCK PA3, SS PA2, TXD1 PA1 ) and 3216 ( standard spi swap(0) MOSI ,MISO, SCK, SS ) and goes to sketchbook/libraries folder. I also have an interesting lowLatency logger - goes to sketchbook folder, but only for Attiny85 ( using USI SPI ). This modified PetitFs library works for Attiny85, Attiny841, Atmega328 and MegaTinyCore (412 and 3216 for now but modifications for other can be included i just have only this 2 ).

And modified Greiman SdFat so it can work with MegaTinyCore, that also goes in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder.

I'm currently working on wrapper for the full FatFs version http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html

SPI bug in megaTinyCore library must be corrected for this to work, if is not implemented yet i include correction for 412 and 3216 ) . SD.zip PetitFS.zip SdFat.zip PetitFs_LowLatency_logger.zip SPI_Correction_for_412_and_3216.zip

Gnuplot image from lowLatency logger example ( using PetitFS ) on attiny85 ( using PB5 as analog pin and reset pin in same time ( so it have some noise ), PB0 MISO, PB1 MOSI, PB2 SCK, PB4 SS, PB3 TX serial output ) , it can do 40000 Samples/sec on 8Mhz depending on card you use. I will do MegaTiny compatibile version or somebody can if you liked.


@CommonGrounds can you please update the github links they seem not to work properly. Thank you