Closed SpenceKonde closed 4 years ago
What a coincidence, I'm just working with SD modifications, below is a rough version ( not using standard SD ( SdFat and PetitFs is much better ) of the modified standard SD library that need to be placed in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder ( only left what is needed for Mega tiny core in Sd2PinMap.h I deleted from that file everything else ).
As well as a some modified code by me from wrapper of PetitFs original code ( works even on attiny 412 i include some examples ) but only for 412 ( spi is on swap(1) ( MOSI1 PA6 ,MISO1 PA7, SCK PA3, SS PA2, TXD1 PA1 ) and 3216 ( standard spi swap(0) MOSI ,MISO, SCK, SS ) and goes to sketchbook/libraries folder. I also have an interesting lowLatency logger - goes to sketchbook folder, but only for Attiny85 ( using USI SPI ). This modified PetitFs library works for Attiny85, Attiny841, Atmega328 and MegaTinyCore (412 and 3216 for now but modifications for other can be included i just have only this 2 ).
And modified Greiman SdFat so it can work with MegaTinyCore, that also goes in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder.
I'm currently working on wrapper for the full FatFs version
SPI bug in megaTinyCore library must be corrected for this to work, if is not implemented yet i include correction for 412 and 3216 ) .
Gnuplot image from lowLatency logger example ( using PetitFS ) on attiny85 ( using PB5 as analog pin and reset pin in same time ( so it have some noise ), PB0 MISO, PB1 MOSI, PB2 SCK, PB4 SS, PB3 TX serial output ) , it can do 40000 Samples/sec on 8Mhz depending on card you use. I will do MegaTiny compatibile version or somebody can if you liked.
Aaah, thanks for reminding me that I need to do the SPI thing!
This is wonderful.
Can you explain the PetiteFS library? Where should it go - Can it be part of the core, or does it need to be installed separately?
Also, @CommonGrounds you say that these libraries have been adapted to support megaTinyCore. The included readme files do not reflect this, can you give a brief description of the changes you made to them and the name which I should credit that to in the library readme files?
Okay, I studied it further, that makes sense.
Code which goes in Sketchbook/Libraries is not my domain. Suggest submitting a PR with your fixes to the original repos for petitefs and SDFat
Okay I need to get more of a basic grounding in the state of SD libraries on Arduino...
What a coincidence, I'm just working with SD modifications, below is a rough version ( not using standard SD ( SdFat and PetitFs is much better ) of the modified standard SD library that need to be placed in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder ( only left what is needed for Mega tiny core in Sd2PinMap.h I deleted from that file everything else ).
As well as a some modified code by me from wrapper of PetitFs original code ( works even on attiny 412 i include some examples ) but only for 412 ( spi is on swap(1) ( MOSI1 PA6 ,MISO1 PA7, SCK PA3, SS PA2, TXD1 PA1 ) and 3216 ( standard spi swap(0) MOSI ,MISO, SCK, SS ) and goes to sketchbook/libraries folder. I also have an interesting lowLatency logger - goes to sketchbook folder, but only for Attiny85 ( using USI SPI ). This modified PetitFs library works for Attiny85, Attiny841, Atmega328 and MegaTinyCore (412 and 3216 for now but modifications for other can be included i just have only this 2 ).
And modified Greiman SdFat so it can work with MegaTinyCore, that also goes in the sketchbook\hardware\megaTinyCore\megaavr\libraries folder.
I'm currently working on wrapper for the full FatFs version
SPI bug in megaTinyCore library must be corrected for this to work, if is not implemented yet i include correction for 412 and 3216 ) .
Gnuplot image from lowLatency logger example ( using PetitFS ) on attiny85 ( using PB5 as analog pin and reset pin in same time ( so it have some noise ), PB0 MISO, PB1 MOSI, PB2 SCK, PB4 SS, PB3 TX serial output ) , it can do 40000 Samples/sec on 8Mhz depending on card you use. I will do MegaTiny compatibile version or somebody can if you liked.
@CommonGrounds can you please update the github links they seem not to work properly. Thank you
A lot of people have been asking about this...