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Start work on localizations #5

Open Spentine opened 1 month ago

Spentine commented 1 month ago

These notes are intended only for ease of planning. They are not final nor are they intended as a roadmap.

Language Order

Languages are prioritized based on how large the Tetris community is for that language.

It is subjective and the order of language implementation will most likely not follow the order.

Language Prioritization (X ranks from each country):

  1. (American English)
  2. Korean
  3. Japanese
  4. (Canadian English)
  5. (Australian English)
  6. Traditional Chinese / Taiwanese
  7. Spanish (Mexico)
  8. German
  9. Cantonese
  10. French
  11. Norweigan
  12. Brazilian

Languages that are most likely to be translated first (based on my friends)

(?) means that they don't know much about Tetris but are able to translate. () means that it's probably not going to happen. [] includes a whole group of people

Note There may be other people who are willing to help that I haven't thought of at the moment. Additionally, everybody in this list may choose not to participate in this project for any reason.

Note 2 ChatGPT may only be used for languages with multiple spellings. It will not be able to mistranslate due to the spellings of words only being changed. It may also work with Chinese but I will just use an autoconverter.

  1. (American English) | Spentine
  2. French | FiFiZ, [French Spin]
  3. Japanese | Airun, Spentine (partially), (deepneuralnetwork(?))
  4. (Australian English) | (Rezeid), (ChatGPT)
  5. Norweigan | Rendium
  6. Korean | (Junseokyee), Shay(?)
  7. German | (Trytogetbetter(?))
  8. British English | (Ninetales), (ChatGPT)

Implementation Time

The first stage of the localization is to start by setting up the project to support the localization. When working with UIs, it should be possible to use or swap languages through a file. A file will contain all the translations for the language.

The second stage is to start gathering translations for languages through any means. The translations should ideally be reviewed for inappropriate content (individuals can do whatever) through human reviewers or through artifical intelligence (it will only check for content safety). It will be started only after most UIs have been created and functionality has been established.

The third stage is to maintain translations for languages through constant support for new translations or updates. After the second stage is finished and translations have been created, it should be maintained so that users can still understand the project.


Spentine commented 1 month ago

Why did I think of this when I wasn't even done with the UI