Spexify / emergenCity

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Adding a "Are you sure?"-question before dying #142

Open Micky1503 opened 7 months ago

Micky1503 commented 7 months ago

I thought I already opened this issue, but I can't find it (also not by closed issues), so sorry if it`s double.

Many people in the user study complained that they died because they forgot to eat/drink, or because they didn`t know that they didn't drank enough etc. "Verdurstet mit einem Rucksack voll Wasser", "Ich habe als letzte Aktion am Tag ein Pop-up Event ausgeführt und dafür ein Item erhalten. Dieses wollte ich mir im Inventar ansehen. Mir war nicht bewusst, dass ich aber schon in der Auswahl für Essen und Trinken am Ende des Tages war und habe das "Inventar" geschlossen. Dadurch habe ich das Spiel verloren weil ich verdurstet bin."

So maybe we could check at the end of the day if the player survives to the next day, and if not, if they have the needed items (food/water) to survive for the next day. If thats the case, we could show a message like "Du bist ziemlich durstig. Willst du wirklich schon schlafen gehen?". I think that would be a great quality-of-life-improvement for the player, and not soo unrealistic (of course, in reality youl would not get that question, but you also would not die of thirst with a backpack full of water).

Not sure though. Your opinion needed (and the possibility is high that it just lands on the idea dump I guess).

marCOmics commented 7 months ago

Should be better now, because the "continue" button is at least now aligned to the right, so it's harder to misclick it. But yeah, it would be good to add a confirmation in any case.