Item created in the world or placed in the container/layer with set timer, will be allowed to decrease the timer and trigger @timer
If the item is moved from the ground or layer to the container, the timer will be kept and not anulled to -1
If the item is on the ground and timer triggers, proceed with the trigger and then kept default behaviour (decay)
I assume this flag would have to be connected to the can_o_nosleep, since there can be situation when the item is left somewhere and once the sector falls to sleep, the trigger would not fire? Or maybe once the sector is awake?
For the items that are create with "can_i_timer"
I assume this flag would have to be connected to the can_o_nosleep, since there can be situation when the item is left somewhere and once the sector falls to sleep, the trigger would not fire? Or maybe once the sector is awake?