Open Steinny opened 8 months ago
I don't see any reason to be added as we already have them,
FOR loop or FORTAGS loops is not a big deal, can be added but I am not sure if it's necessary.
REF1 is a CUID reference so you can use .NAME .TYPE .BLABLA, so no need to add PLOCAL for it.
@SaveStart and @SaveEnd triggers for every item can be really expensive, I am not sure but it can be added after made some tests.
We don't need ADDTIMERD as we already have TIMERFMS for it.
For dialog close, we already have dialogclose command for any dialog but it may be improved.
1) Can you explain better PLOCAL? It looks like REFx. 2) I fear this will encourage using a lot of tags, polluting them, but per se it could be a good idea. 3) 100% sure it will be really too much expensive. 4, 5) I second what xwerswoodx said.
first of all, it is clear and readable
plocal.sys plocal.plr plocal.item plocal.npc
on the third page, I already forget what happened at the beginning.
well, for example, there is also comfort
for 1 2
local.i = "<eval(<local._for>)>"
doswitch <local.i> - 1
plocal.npc_<local.i> = <f_newnpc c_enc_angel>
plocal.npc_<local.i>.speechcolor 050
plocal.npc_<local.i> = <f_newnpc c_enc_daemon>
plocal.npc_<local.i>.speechcolor 112
plocal.npc_<local.i>.p = <args>
doswitch <local.i> - 1
plocal.npc_<local.i>.move 1 <eval {-1 1}>
plocal.npc_<local.i>.move <eval {-1 1}> -1
or you can do it so that it can be enabled and disabled from scripts. in principle, is this enough for statistics once a day?
So, i don't really see a use for @SaveStart and @SaveEnd, but i can change my mind if there are some interesting examples. FORTAGS could be useful, but i think it encourages bad scripting practices. DTYPE_SINGLE is solved by using SDIALOG, though the other flags aren't covered by the current features. Could you suggest some real-world uses of those flags with ADIALOG?
@SaveStart @SaveEnd I create temporary quest or auction items that can be deleted after a month or a year without having to use a timer.
It is also used for daily or monthly statistics.
I have an old fork of the sphere, even before it became free. and there are a couple of interesting features there. I can even share the source code with you if it makes your task easier.
"plocal" like "ref1" but with "nametag"
plocal.blabla = = House
I don't use a LIST, but when working with tags Instead of;
for i 0 <eval( - 1)>
if strmatch("template_*","<tagat..key>")
we have this;
fortags template_* say
trigger @SaveStart @SaveEnd on item and chars
serv.addtimerd 0 f_function
like timerf but work on serv. with timer 1/10 sec
[FUNCTION f_function] ref1 =
[ADIALOG dialogtype
DTYPE_NEW 01 // do not interfere with targets and dclick DTYPE_SINGLE 02 // allows only one such dialog on the screen DTYPE_SINGLE_OBJ 04 // allows only one such dialog on the object DTYPE_NOUPDATE 08 // with 02 and 04 - forbid updating the dialog on repeated call
ADIALOGCLOSE type, arg1, arg2, buttonID
0x1 - arg1 = resource id of dialog (example "ad_dialog") - close the dialog with this ID 0x2 - arg2 = object uid - close the dialog on this object 0x4 - close all dialogs with these flags, otherwise the first one if type = 0 - arg1 = dialog uid (return like) - close the dialog with this UID
buttonID - The ID of the button that the dialog will close with (-1 - system close)