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ON=@UserchatButton Do not work like expected #783

Open Jhobean opened 2 years ago

Jhobean commented 2 years ago

@UserchatButton should trig when someone pres chat button image

First bug: On X and 56d, it do not work. Seem to be related to client version

Second bug: @UserchatButton trig at every login

Jhobean commented 2 years ago

Packet have been change... With Spy Uo I'm not able to trace this packet I press 40 times on chat button and SpyUo see nothing


It seem to be a new packet

Jhobean commented 2 years ago

Just let this here but it may be link to the packet 0xB9 http://necrotoolz.sourceforge.net/kairpacketguide/packetb9.htm

0xB9 Packet

Last Modified on Wednesday 12-Feb-2003

Enable locked client features (3 bytes)

· BYTE cmd

· BYTE[2] feature#
if (MSB not set)
Bit# 1 T2A upgrade, enables chatbutton,
Bit# 2 enables LBR update. (of course LBR installation is required)
(plays MP3 instead of midis, 2D LBR client shows new LBR monsters,…)
if (MSB set)
Bit# 3 T2A upgrade, enables chatbutton,
Bit# 4 enables LBR update.
Bit#5 enables AOS update (Aos monsters/map (AOS installation required for that) ,
AOS skills/necro/paladin/fight book stuff - works for ALL clients 4.0 and above)

Server Message

Note1: this message is send immediately after login.
Note2: on OSI servers this controls features OSI enables/disables via "upgrade codes."

Note3: a 3 doesn't seem to "hurt" older (NON LBR) clients.
xwerswoodx commented 11 months ago

The problem is there is no Packet for User Chat Button anymore, it replaced for a while and now clicking UserChatButton is totally useless and probably causes some collision because there was a packet that sent when you click chat button. But now that packet send by client at the beginning as clear so it triggers the @UserChatButton.

Because of there is no packet that can be used for this anymore, I probably gonna remove that trigger, and add new triggers like @UserChatJoin, @UserChatCreate, @UserChatLeave which can be trigger when you click Create, Join and Leave buttons, I can't accept that as a bug while this is totally changed client-side we have no way to fix it.

Jhobean commented 11 months ago

On osi chat button do not work anymore? That make non sense

xwerswoodx commented 11 months ago

Because it works directly on client-side it doesn't send any packet anymore, It's silly but in reality there is no packet we can track that player click the button. When you click create, join and leave it sends packets to server but chat button that opens the menu directly client-side.