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Windows build Login BUG #195

Closed Jhobean closed 4 years ago

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

I have an intermitent bug. Some account seem to be ban for the server... After connecting, the server kick the user out.... If user use an other account, all work well.

This degub screen can help?


Bug occur with 2 Clients Orion and cross UO

coruja747 commented 4 years ago

Try using an previous build to check what's the last build working (eg: build 123 = working fine, build 124 = error). With this info we would know exactly what changes caused the error, making it easier to fix

Here you can find all recent builds to download, just click on the build, select Visual Studio (windows build), click on Artifacts page and download the zip https://ci.appveyor.com/project/coruja747/source/history

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

It's an intermittent bug so it's really difficult to test. I'll let you know if I found a patern.

This line and this code may help? CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0x1351c8), in NetworkInput::ProcessNewClient() #1

on the other Issues his code is 0x1541c6

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

At this time, this build FAIL : Now testing

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

At this time, Bug seem between 94 and 95 . I'll run this version few day before confirmation.

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

@coruja747 I confirm the bug seem to provide from this commit: https://github.com/Sphereserver/Source/commit/ee1bf26bf23521ca64569c3cc18bc534e52b6679

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

Make a hold. Just had the bug with build 94 again.....

Nirad commented 4 years ago

@coruja747 I can't find the problem of this bug .. #193 #196

coruja747 commented 4 years ago

Try using this test build https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/6ji2yqat3xcu7r8v/artifacts/SphereSvr-Win32-Test.zip

It's the latest 56d build with just an extra debug message to track this error, so when you get this error again just copy/paste it here

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

Ok thx. Let me few days

FiLoUs64 commented 4 years ago

Got this after a login with your test build.

08:25:DEBUG: thread (1696) | # | function | ticks passed from previous function start 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 0 | NetworkManager::tick | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 1 | NetworkThread::tick | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 2 | NetworkInput::processInput | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 3 | NetworkInput::processData | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 4 | NetworkInput::processData | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 5 | NetworkInput::processUnknownClientData | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 6 | CClient::xProcessClientSetup | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 7 | CClient::LoginServerList | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 8 | CClient::LogIn | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 9 | CClient::LogIn2 | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!) 08:25:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0xfb9e6), in CClient::Account login() #2 "Check in use" 08:25:DEBUG: thread (1696) | # | ____ function _____ | ticks passed from previous function start 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 0 | NetworkManager::tick | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 1 | NetworkThread::tick | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 2 | NetworkInput::processInput | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 3 | NetworkInput::processData | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 4 | NetworkInput::processData | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 5 | NetworkInput::processGameClientData | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 6 | PacketServerSelect::onReceive | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 7 | CClient::Login_Relay | +0 08:25:DEBUG:>> 1696 | 8 | CClient::addRelay | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!) 08:25:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0x93895), in CClient::addRelay() #1 "customer id" 08:25:DEBUG:account ''



coruja747 commented 4 years ago

The problem seems to be when server check if the account is already in use, I added more specific debug messages to track this, try using this new build and check the console error again https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/ca9e3kb6b3ywpffg/artifacts/SphereSvr-Win32-Test.zip

Nirad commented 4 years ago

Thx we will give a try ! and feedback after

FiLoUs64 commented 4 years ago

Not been able to reproduce the issue BUT I have a lot a problem for login, always have a message like what the account is already in use after logout.

Nirad commented 4 years ago

This can help ? 2 1

coruja747 commented 4 years ago

This visual code debug show basically the same thing of sphere exceptions, or in other words, sphere stack trace was made to show these same debug exceptions without need any external tool

Anyway, on latest build I changed some things to improve account connection process, try using this build to check if it's working fine

Nirad commented 4 years ago

Capture d’écran 2019-09-29 à 18 56 28 latest build

coruja747 commented 4 years ago

I did some few more improvements, try download latest build (909) again

Nirad commented 4 years ago

Perfect now trying 909 with 7e9f77dd2c0f80280c97af2e26b0eda1f867214d and 6c5bdae6de99cd310aff27d400b45abb978040ba thx!

Nirad commented 4 years ago

after a day no error I will give it 1 more day!

Nirad commented 4 years ago

All good for now, Close this !

Jhobean commented 4 years ago

Thx for your help coruja

FiLoUs64 commented 4 years ago

image Same problem again...

coruja747 commented 4 years ago

This was already fixed but I accidentally reverted the fix, but anyway I fixed it again on latest build, try check if it's working fine now