Spheroman / ThingRanker

a work in progress pairwise thing ranker for simple decision making
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pairing.php Glicko implementation #1

Closed Spheroman closed 1 week ago

Spheroman commented 2 weeks ago

Implement Glicko-2 algorithm to calculate new ratings and confidence for the two items.

Make sure that the current values are grabbed from the database while running the update instead of relying on the previous values, so we have up to date data

check #2



Spheroman commented 2 weeks ago

I think that we should just calculate the ratings at the end of the competition and whenever a refresh table button is pressed. We can use https://github.com/Zarel/glicko2-php to do the calculations for us, and we just pull all the pairings from the table and calculate them all in one batch when needed. might be computationally expensive but its more accurate and whatever

Spheroman commented 1 week ago

I've been thinking and Glicko-2 is actually suboptimal because it has a rating period, meaning that it won't be able to be used for some of the cool features we planned. Because of this, I'm actually going to implement a Bayesian Elo algorithm that can be run every round instead. In theory, it's possible to do it in SQL which would be nice to reduce the problems of concurrency if we have several submissions at about the same time.